On other forums (fori?) there is a usually a thread for various ebay stupidities which members find amusing. About time we had one here.
I'll start with this one.
Mercedes Benz 190E 2.6 V6 Special Order
Mercedes Benz 190E 2.6 V6 Special Order (sony mex-5d1) on eBay (end time 27-Sep-09 02:11:35 BST)
I emailed the owner to say "I think you made a mistake, check under your bonnet & you'll see it's a straight 6" & got this indignant reply
"I think its you who don,t really know much about engines,let me educate you a bit....all mercedes over 2.5 fall in the category of v6..check it out on the internet if you have one,,or pop into your nearest dealer on info about my car and they will tell you...thanks for your question.
- inn4o"
I love ebay!
I'll start with this one.
Mercedes Benz 190E 2.6 V6 Special Order
Mercedes Benz 190E 2.6 V6 Special Order (sony mex-5d1) on eBay (end time 27-Sep-09 02:11:35 BST)
I emailed the owner to say "I think you made a mistake, check under your bonnet & you'll see it's a straight 6" & got this indignant reply
"I think its you who don,t really know much about engines,let me educate you a bit....all mercedes over 2.5 fall in the category of v6..check it out on the internet if you have one,,or pop into your nearest dealer on info about my car and they will tell you...thanks for your question.
- inn4o"
I love ebay!