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Familiar E55 W211 Moved to New Home Further North

Thanks Simon. Think that is the way I'll go when I get around to it. There are no firms local (we don't have our media cabinet anymore) so it's a drive to somewhere or send them off by carrier. @simon1966

Must get for a drive first though. ;)
I should have took some pictures. :oops:

Fitted the scuttle panel back on as well as the wipers.

Of course before I did that I had to remove the box for the Cabin Filter and then the part that goes onto the bulkhead.
Cleaned and treated these as well as underneath onto the bulkhead and all the areas around here.

Also gave good access to the hoses etc. below so cleaned all these and treated then with a rubber treatment to get them looking like new.
The two top nuts for the plastic part onto the bulkhead were rusty so sorted these.

All back together and treated the rear rubber seal on the scuttle, will do others tomorrow.
Was also having a look at the supercharger today and thinking the same for this.
Just remember the charger is HEAAAAAVY ! :D
Just remember the charger is HEAAAAAVY ! :D

Now it's back together i think I'm being too fussy, it looks very good I think.

Got oil & filter to do on other little car first and also get Imp out for run and check over, clean garage, do decking, monoblock, new hut..............................
Aircon not blowing cold so will need to get that looked at next. :)
if your lucky a cheeky regas will all that will need, if unlucky probably a condenser considering that takes the worst of the elements being at the front :)
Just had mine done Pat :)

Thinking about it I may have had the AC actually switched Off. :oops:

The red light on the AC switch was Off (not illuminated).

Now that I think of it the Red Light on the switch means that the A/C is On not the other way round.
Its the other way round bud, Red light Off ac = on , not that makes sense lol

I remember getting confused about this before, same now many years later. :)

Must be getting old, think I'll make dinner and crack a beer, I still remember how to open a can. :)
Thought I'd start a thread on a well known W211 E55 that has found its way from Essex up to Central Scotland.

We had some fun after collecting it, we were picking something up from Wales as the package was described as being 100cm wide and our carrier wouldn't collect (another long story).
When we got there we found that it was actually only about 10cm, they got their mm & cm round the wrong way!
Still we got to drive a lot of miles through some great roads in the E55 which quickly got the nickname of "The Beast".

Here is the car after arrival home and a wash and rinse the next morning

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Nice car. Beautiful condition.

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