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Fat Bint on Horse Slags off my pet welfare decisions......

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Doesn't that
Why? Some home truths being said. Is anyone really being stalked? Who has been banned several times? Must be a reason.
Doesn't that make a bit of a mockery of banning?!

Making snide and supercilious (great description @del320) comments must be really central to their life to come back that many times! 😂
Doesn't that
Doesn't that make a bit of a mockery of banning?!

Making snide and supercilious (great description @del320) comments must be really central to their life to come back that many times! 😂
Isn't internet forum banning often done based on IP address?
Doesn't that
Doesn't that make a bit of a mockery of banning?!

Making snide and supercilious (great description @del320) comments must be really central to their life to come back that many times! 😂

Isn't internet forum banning often done based on IP address?
Assuming you both refer to me I have never been banned.

Significantly other forums ban stalkers at their first offence.😉
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So before the inevitable slating of me begins just to clarify the background.

I have 2 Irish former Racing Greyhounds that both had a pretty £hitty start to life.

Secondly Greyhounds have exceptionally thin skin that not only makes them more prone to suffering from low temperatures but their skin is very easy to damage (Google Greyhound skin tears, it's not nice) Hence the reason why most Greyhounds you see wear coats even in the summer.

So now you are aware of my facts let us continue..........

So innocently walking the hounds minding my own business. 2 Horses and riders go past. The fat cow rider (the relevance of the fat bit will be revealed soon before all the fat wokes start chipping in) shouts loudly to her mate (definitely so I could hear) "I bloody hate it when idiot owners mollycoddle their dogs and force them to wear coats, it's just not natural for them"

I am a big boy but the one thing you do not do is question how I look after my dogs. Something just went pop in my brain. So I walked up and poked her in her blobby leg and said why don't you mind your own business, commenting about things you know sod all about. I'm entitled to my fcking opinions she replied. So I replied well you obviously know f£ck all about animal welfare as otherwise you would not be inflicting that poor horse with your fat body, look at it poor thing it's knackered. Fck off she replied so I wobbled her leg and said you done well actually getting on the horse, some form of crane ? To which she burst into tears and trotted off.

Fast forward a few days and whilst walking the dogs again a car screeches up beside me and a weasley bloke jumps out and starts ranting at me for upsetting his wife. So after a few choice words and some pushing and shoving and the dogs getting somewhat upset (they are not aggressive in the slightest) off he went. Funnily enough not seen her down my road since.

Let the slating commence :)
Fair enough. Justice served.
I am fully aware what it seems like and what replies I was likely to receive hence the first line of my original post.

But calling somebody an idiot that you do not even know is asking for trouble.

I do not have anger issues the complete opposite really and a poke in the leg is somewhat reserved compared to what others would have done.

When I take the dogs out at night I see at least 2 builder types walking rotties and pit bulls smoking joints and doing deals, what do you think they would have done to some woman randomly calling them an idiot ?
By opening this discussion on a forum, you invited opinions of plenty. What you should have done is posted this in a locked news thread, with just a liking option. Story shared, no grunts.

Regardless of who is right or wrong, people will have a view of their own and comment.

I'm on your side, I like what you did, initially and later to the car driver. Not everyone will see this the same.
Hi OP, I've read through this 'seventies pub chat' type of thread and I don't think that it's been mentioned to date. You frequently revisit your response to the offending lady -- I believe in your OP it was referred to as 'I saw red' or similar.

You may be interested to know that this is known as an amygdala hijack. It essentially means that you haven't found a good balance between your rational mind and your emotional instincts. Regret is an outcome frequently associated with emotional outbursts. After that, all sorts of defence mechanisms kick in -- denial, anger, justification, re-framing of the actual events etc.

Appreciating this process may assist you in gaining a better insight to yourself through personal appraisal and recognising that internet forums aren't a helpful go-to necessarily -- a number of responses on here (such as the two above this one) seem to validate the unhelpful post-amygdala narrative, when they are actually observations based on a facsimile of events i.e. your post-event report. They're not helpful, just confusing.
Doesn't that
Why? Some home truths being said. Is anyone really being stalked? Who has been banned several times? Must be a reason.
Doesn't that make a bit of a mockery of banning?!

Making snide and supercilious (great description @del320) comments must be really central to their life to come back that many times! 😂
Assuming you both refer to me I have never been banned.

Significantly other forums ban stalkers at their first offence.😉

I stand corrected. It was implied you had back-catalogue of previous usernames ;)
For chrissakes, give it a rest! Are you really such a paranoid clown? I don't know your "business" address (nor do I care*) and any other information regarding your whereabouts was entirely due to you posting pictures of your BMW 7 Series followed by photos of your bottom of the range, poverty spec, rented Porsche 718. The likes of you does not even register in my life.

You are not a forum supporter, and I don't know when you last "owned" a Mercedes. Why don't you trot off and infest some Porsche forum with your snide, supercilious, valueless input? You may even wish to adopt yet another new identity - "Lewyboy", "DrFeelgood", "Deleted Guest 6183", or even "DRF20000". When did you actually last post something informative, entertaining, or amusing?

Don't worry, I won't be putting you on my "ignore" list as I enjoy reading your laughable, idiotic tripe!

You are not just insignificant to me, but also to a large proportion of Forum Members.

Show this to your wife!
Before I go, just noticed this one
Look, stop beating around the bush, just tell him what you actually think.:mad: Be more direct like the OP,:banana: it will make you feel better;)
For chrissakes, give it a rest! Are you really such a paranoid clown? I don't know your "business" address (nor do I care*) and any other information regarding your whereabouts was entirely due to you posting pictures of your BMW 7 Series followed by photos of your bottom of the range, poverty spec, rented Porsche 718. The likes of you does not even register in my life.

You are not a forum supporter, and I don't know when you last "owned" a Mercedes. Why don't you trot off and infest some Porsche forum with your snide, supercilious, valueless input? You may even wish to adopt yet another new identity - "Lewyboy", "DrFeelgood", "Deleted Guest 6183", or even "DRF20000". When did you actually last post something informative, entertaining, or amusing?

Don't worry, I won't be putting you on my "ignore" list as I enjoy reading your laughable, idiotic tripe!

You are not just insignificant to me, but also to a large proportion of Forum Members.

Show this to your wife!

*Thank God you're not my IFA...
I’ve taken the time to reflect on this post and have decided to report to Admin, my comments on this thread are pretty inoffensive and the response above is unreasonably offensive.
I’ve taken the time to reflect on this post and have decided to report to Admin, my comments on this thread are pretty inoffensive and the response above is unreasonably offensive.
You don't fool me but good attempt 😜 i don't think many will believe someone who dishes out so much would be so easily offended. By people they don't know. Online (i.e. not the real world).

Nice try though. 😁

And if you are that easily offended, I suggest you log off and lock the front door. 👍
How many of your insightful contributions do you show to your wife?
Why is his wife a part of anything? Whatever your issue is with him, take this elsewhere. We don't want to read how you or he is insignificant.

You seem to be getting personal. Someone's wife should not be mentioned here.

Which car he had or has, is not to boast or rant about. He may be a useless member, that the admin will decide not you. You are just a member like the rest of us.

Grow up, and quit acting childish both of you. And keep your private lives and wives out of this. Knuckle head retards.
I’ve taken the time to reflect on this post and have decided to report to Admin, my comments on this thread are pretty inoffensive and the response above is unreasonably offensive.
What is the point of that? You started it. You poked them and expected no retaliation? You are the culprit here.

Most of the members are pseudo praised, so they will fight for ages. Why entertain those imbeciles? You are becoming the spotlight.

Any person with dignity will stop when another person is offended, such is not the case here in the forum.

They will create a ruckus and then cry to the admin to close the thread or forbid you. Majority will take lead. You know the outcome, why fight against a clan of Hyenas?
Whether you are poor/rich, weak/strong, or daring/afraid, people will put you down at one place or another. Let them be, you do something else to keep yourself busy or occupied. There are plenty of solid members here, even the ones lashing out have good points to make on real car issues. So be a bit respectful towards them. And at other times play around in limit, it's for your own benefit.

Keep this place fun. Overall this is a good forum, and you should appreciate the free effort you get from members to help people in need. This is valuable time being dedicated.

Troll to a limit Sir and private message the admin if the limits are crossed.
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