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gearbox question


MB Enthusiast
May 1, 2007
German oil burner
My MB specialist said something i'm not sure sounds 100% right and i wish someone would help me shed some light on it.

Me: "So.. when do you think i will need to change my gearbox fluid at some point?"

Specialist: "Oh never sir, MB have made it so they last for life"

This true? its a manual by the way.
You do not have to change the oil,, but I would, do observe the reduction in levels for the manual boxes when it is hard to change from 1st to 2nd when cold
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So who said this ? Was it the official MB dealer or an Indie ?

Have you ever seen the colour of the oil that comes out of an auto box say after 80,000 miles ?

Looking at it I think you would definately say that its due for a change :)

If your vehicles have not had their gearbox oil changed, and have done over 50,000 miles, get it done and this will importantly preserve your gearbox and give you a smoother gearchange.
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mb do say it is a sealed for life gearbox but
however can you keep the same engine oil in the car for the life of the car? no....
so im not sure what makes them think they can keep the same oil in the gearbox....
My gearbox specialist recommends changing the oil and filter every 80-100k
A golden rule that I had most of my life was to change all of the oil in what ever I smoked for myself. It cant do any harm, and you know it makes sense :):)
I had the ATF changed on my 2000 W202 after 128000 miles as I was concerned that although it was a one owner car with full MB service history when I bought it the ATF had never been changed. After the ATF was changed I was told the old ATF was described as clean and of the correct colour. The garage explained that it probably did not need changing. However I am glad that it has been changed. Even though I was assured that my car's auto gear fluid was sealed for life I became aware that subsequent, newer MB models do now have ATF changes as part of the servicing / maintenance scedules.
I dont see why people cannot get it into their heads what sealed for life means.
= the life of the gearbox.
Could be one week or one decade.
Change the oil ollie

Specialist: "Oh never sir, MB have made it so they last for life"

No oil lasts 'for life', regardless of the bullsh@t MB tell you, get the oil changed in your manual at least every 60k miles. (dont forget the back axle either)
they also tell you the chain lasts for life.
Anyway i have never changed the oil in a manual gearbox and have never had any problems.
in fact the change seems smoother than when it was new.
So really i've done almost 70k now, i should change it really. I was prompted to ask him because when its cold it does feel VERY sluggy in 1st and 2nd, and requires a bit of concentration when changing... but this is on the coldest of mornings tho...

And sometimes while i'm in third, if i put my foot down for a bit then let go, the gearstick will flick backwards a bit, but it NEVER comes out of gear.

So the verdict is i should change my gearbox fluid... any ideas what gearbox fluid/oil i should buy? do MB sell one for manuals?
the selector may need looking at. i doubt if the fluid will make it jump out of gear,That will be caused by a worn tooth of flimsy selector lever under neath the gear knob.
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syncromesh is for first gear as far as i know... and my car never jumps out of gear (emphasis on never). It happens really rarely tho so i aint bothered about it.
syncromesh is for first gear as far as i know...

Dont think so... my W123 used to jump out of 3rd and that was a worn synchro... although i never bothered fixing it as i went to a 5 speed box..

that only had 90K on it before it went..
syncromesh is on all forward gears. (manual gearbox)

Jumping out of gear can be caused by worn s/mesh or worn selector rods or worn indent ball bearings/springs, etc
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i stand corrected then :)

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