e220 coupe, Kawasaki ZX10R and a chugging H/D 883 Sportster.
Yes. Toothpaste is fine. You can always spend a lot of money on a "proper" kit to do exactly the same job without the advantage of a minty aroma.
Before I get trolled by the experts, I have used toothpaste on many cars and bikes since the early 80's without any problems.
I cleaned my old saab headlights with toothpaste a while back. Came back home one day to see the neighbour's dog licking away at them. Canine headlamp washers I would guess
Toothpaste is just a mild abrasive (in this case), so it's as good as any cheap polishing compound.
If you don't want to keep doing it, reseal the headlight once you've polished it. - It's the UV degradation of the polymer that makes it go all misty, so polishing the top layer off and not resealing it with fresh UV protection will mean you have to keep polishing it.
It's the same logic as polishing you paintwork; you seal it afterwards to keep it nice. - Do the same with headlights; once you've cleaned them, protect them to stop it happening again.
It's the same logic as polishing you paintwork; you seal it afterwards to keep it nice. - Do the same with headlights; once you've cleaned them, protect them to stop it happening again.
I am looking to do this with my w211 headlights could you give me some info on what to use once the lamps have been polished clear coated. I not sure what to apply after this.