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Jul 13, 2003
Peugeot 403 Convertible
For the 2nd time in about a month I have been exiting a motorway at one junction that leads directly into a dual carriageway with an S bend and seen a horsebox hog the outside lane and even slow down to take the bends.
The terminal speed was about 30mph (to protect the horses).

On both occasions traffic started undertaking the horsebox due to the very long queue behind.

What possesses these people so they cannot move into the near-side lane?
IMO horseboxes are far worse than caravans for creating rolling roadblocks.

Staying in the right hand lane at motorway junctions is common practice for slow drivers of all sorts though. My theory is that they think they are still in the middle lane :rolleyes:
I agree,

I would think they actually tow a lot less than caravans do and the weight moves around I guess unlike a van...

I know we (caravaners) get a bad name but horse box's and horse trailers are pretty badly driven round our neck of the woods also.
No excuse for being in the wrong lane but slow around corners is a good idea !
I've done a lot of miles with a horse box attached and 2 large horses on board and as the horses tend to move to maintain balance around the corners it's a strange strange sensation as they move . Some horses are better at it than others, mine always travelled well with two in the box but not so well if alone as they tend to move around more around corners . I've also had a horse go over in a box and get trapped over the Brest restraint bar , not a very nice experience that closed a road for 2 hours while the vet visited and eventually the renderer .
Tbh you get moaned at if you you take them on the road , moaned at when you take them in a box .
No excuse for being in the wrong lane but slow around corners is a good idea !
I've done a lot of miles with a horse box attached and 2 large horses on board and as the horses tend to move to maintain balance around the corners it's a strange strange sensation as they move . Some horses are better at it than others, mine always travelled well with two in the box but not so well if alone as they tend to move around more around corners . I've also had a horse go over in a box and get trapped over the Brest restraint bar , not a very nice experience that closed a road for 2 hours while the vet visited and eventually the renderer .
Tbh you get moaned at if you you take them on the road , moaned at when you take them in a box .

Just keep 'em in a field or call the renderer.

This was a full size horsebox lorry on both occasions and the S bends are easily doable at70mph.

I don't think 1/2 mile of backed up traffic on a motorway is acceptable.

A bullet is too good for these people.
Mine were put down two months ago , glad it brought you some happiness . You stupid thick selfish **** .
You really are a selfish ****er , hope you rot in hell
I used to build horseboxes, and 90% were horrible selfish people, who thought without exception, they were more important (well,their stinking nags) than you. 10% were lovely.

That little outburst, swearing, and double posting of offensive name calling is a perfect example of one of the two types, can you guess which one?

I do agree that most stinking nag lorries dont pull over to let the mile+ long queue pass them by....
marc.l said:
You really are a selfish ****er , hope you rot in hell

Mate you need to realise you are dealing with someone whose one big shot in life is to be a major and slightly edgy contributor to a car owners' forum. He doesn't mean it, he just can't help it. I am sorry for the loss of your animals as I am sure everyone who reads this will be.

Also I personally have a lot more sympathy for drivers towing live animals than empty trailers if they do things on the road that are less than sociable for other road users,
Whoa - that one got heated quick !!

DM - probably a BMW pulling the Horsebox - it's the drivers natural prerogative.
billywhiz said:
Whoa - that one got heated quick !!

DM - probably a BMW pulling the Horsebox - it's the drivers natural prerogative.

I had my horses put down about 2 months ago after well over 20 years of ownership . It's still pretty raw tbh and miss them like a member of the family .
People get very heated if they are held up for a minute or two,it is so important to rush to the next queue! They are either on life saving missions of national importance or they are just impatient p***ts.
Cool it folks, you are a long time dead.
Cant you fit a big harness to stop them moving about?
Like a set of Willans 4 point racing harnesses but for horses? :thumb:

I think you'd end up with a horse that died from a heart attack.
I had my horses put down about 2 months ago after well over 20 years of ownership . It's still pretty raw tbh and miss them like a member of the family .

Did DM know this before he posted ?

I'll assume your attitude is down to a couple of beers being that you posted late on a Friday evening ?

Sorry to hear about your horses.
People get very heated if they are held up for a minute or two,it is so important to rush to the next queue! They are either on life saving missions of national importance

Dead right. I was on the way to the pub after a sh!tty and hard week. ;)

To get this selfish drives action into perspective, their lane hogging was causing 4 lanes of motorway to back up over a mile because no-one could pass even though traffic was slowing in the inside lane to allow them to pull over.
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Oh well that's OK then, so long as there's a good reason for your rant!

Mind you, whenever anyone else posts this type of problem, your reply is always the same; chill out, what's the hurry, it only adds a few minutes to your journey.

It seems though that when you are inconvenienced in some minor way, the despicable culprits should be taken out and shot!

You really do come across as a conceited half-wit!!
Oh well that's OK then, so long as there's a good reason for your rant!

Mind you, whenever anyone else posts this type of problem, your reply is always the same; chill out, what's the hurry, it only adds a few minutes to your journey.

It seems though that when you are inconvenienced in some minor way, the despicable culprits should be taken out and shot!

You really do come across as a conceited half-wit!!

Thanks. That's better than I expected from you. :)

My point was simply why do these people find it impossible to move their obviously slow vehicle into the correct lane?

Perhaps you can answer as you appear to be on the same wavelength and probably have a similarly low i.q.
Now then boys can't you get a room, or if funds are tight - a horse box?
This thread is never going to end well , with both parties digging deeper and deeper holes for themselves .

Perhaps the best thing would be for mods to close the thread before it goes any further ?

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