Presumably there was a fair chance their car didn't have a calibrated/checked speedo.
Totally agree with being weary of local plod. Usually young at abusing the use of the uniform.
How about this. I was driving along with my hand on my ear leaning on my door panel. A riot van drove past and the driver pointed at me, I smiled carried on driving.
Next thing I know is he is right up my rear blues and twos going so I pull over. Seconds later this 5' nothing 22-23yrs yanks my door open starts shouting at me that he has more important people to deal with than me being on my phone whilst driving, I said I wasn't and he took my phone out if its holder and looked at and said look you have made a call I said yes I did officer at 16.47 he checked his watch and it was 16.53, I had seen him 30secs before this. I did make a call at 16.47 when I was leaving a house I was working and the call didnt connect which was a pain because it didnt show up on my mobile bill. The passenger of the riot van then said why have you come this way if you live over there, (which the route I was taking was to go around a traffic jam which is always there that time of day) buy this time I was biting my lip still because he was being so pathetic, he then said were you trying to get away from us weren't you I just agreed.
The pointing officer now said if I dont plead guilty he would take my phone off me, I said im not agreeing so he took my phone minutes later gave it back and said we dont need it to prosecute you the courts will believe 2 police officers over your word.
He gave me no charge sheet, no producer no nothing and just drove off.
Couple of weeks later I get a summons through, so I plead not guilty. Over the next couple of months I have to send in why im pleading not guilty so, I send in my tracker records from my van proof where I was when I made the phone call phone bill proving that the call that I made didnt connect, they also had written down in there statement wrong type of van and wrong registration. They both also lied and said they pulled me at 16.47 not 16.53.
Guess what happens next .........................£290 fine and 3 points. Facts didn't count over the word of 2 lying police officers.
To anyone that doesn't believe this to be true I still have all the evidence, statements and phone and tracker records.... get your head around that then