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idiots unite

mark.t said:
these LORRIES you refer to are 7.1/2 tonners driven on a car licence by car drivers with out any training :eek: :eek: :eek: after 7.1/2 tonne you can only use nearside middle ,unless you have to or are directed to ;)

True, but that does'nt stop them cutting us up on an A road, like the bus that nearly rammed me into the barrier on the A34 yesterday. I can only assume that he was fully trained. :eek: Maybe he was just having a bad day.
pammy said:
(when I was in a Renault Laguna)

Now the truth is out about Pammy's favourite car!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p :p
anarchy-inc said:
No less than 3 trucks decided to pull out into the fast lane of the M3, M25 and A34 to pass another truck, signalling AFTER my front end reached their back axles. Having to slam HARD on the brakes to avoid becoming the filler in a truck/barrier sandwich. When are we going to get a law like the rest of Europe that restricts trucks passing during certain hours of the day? (especially on dual-carrageways) :mad:

Well, maybe some (not all) of them think it's 'pay back time' :devil:
Afterall you have to consider the poor truck drivers and bus drivers trying to get out of a junction... NOBODY lets them out, selfish car drivers (me included) don't like to let them out as otherwise you'll be stuck behind them. Generally speaking the only vehicles that let out truck/bus drivers are other truck/bus drivers who know how difficult it is to get out.

Then when they are trundling along at a merry rate with the flow of traffic, some drivers still insist on overtaking them (just in case they will slow down further ahead).

So I don't mind too much if a truck or bus suddenly pulls out in front of me, afterall it's their only chance!

However I particulary dislike high sided articulated lorrys doing extremely high speeds on A road bends when they are coming from the opposite direction, pegging it around the bend like an F1 driver, only it's not an F1 car. It looks like it will almost over topple on me when it comes round the bend from the opposite direction :eek:
uumode said:
However I particulary dislike high sided articulated lorrys doing extremely high speeds on A road bends when they are coming from the opposite direction, pegging it around the bend like an F1 driver, only it's not an F1 car. It looks like it will almost over topple on me when it comes round the bend from the opposite direction :eek:

uumode I agree it dose look a bit loony :eek: but thinking back to my training and test you could fail for going to slow (not maintaining correct speed)my instructor told me to put my foot down in each gear to get the bloody great hulk moving or you tend to drive everywhere at 20 mph :eek: no good for the other drivers, you see 35 or 40 mph on a A road i round bends is a bit fast but if you know the road and you can keep lane discipline what's the problem it just feels like there thundering past you at breakneck speed but iagree they can topple but if you equate it to car drivers on a A road they would be doing about 70/80mph so whos the worst;)
mark.t said:
uumode I agree it dose look a bit loony :eek: but thinking back to my training and test you could fail for going to slow (not maintaining correct speed)my instructor told me to put my foot down in each gear to get the bloody great hulk moving or you tend to drive everywhere at 20 mph :eek: no good for the other drivers, you see 35 or 40 mph on a A road i round bends is a bit fast but if you know the road and you can keep lane discipline what's the problem it just feels like there thundering past you at breakneck speed but iagree they can topple but if you equate it to car drivers on a A road they would be doing about 70/80mph so whos the worst;)

Yeah, but it's 15 tons? going at 40mph, with a bouncing load and highish C of G? Car transporters look frightening, and in strong winds, it is known for some high sided vehicles to get blown over.
car transporters

i agree but if driven realy badley and slowly turning a 90 deg corner they can also take out trafiic lights with there overhanging top and at the same time send a lamp post through a bank window with the end of there trailer :crazy: i know i saw it :eek: :eek:
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uumode said:
So I don't mind too much if a truck or bus suddenly pulls out in front of me, afterall it's their only chance!

There's a big difference between a truck suddenly pulling out to take advantage of a gap, because as you said, that may be their only chance and blindly "pushing" their weight around. I have no problem with this and always let COURTIOUS drivers out as I'm never in that big a hurry. Just don't do it in a way that could result in me having to test the central reservation's strength.

uumode said:
However I particulary dislike high sided articulated lorrys doing extremely high speeds on A road bends when they are coming from the opposite direction, pegging it around the bend like an F1 driver, only it's not an F1 car. It looks like it will almost over topple on me when it comes round the bend from the opposite direction :eek:

Oh yeah, they can be scary, but I'd guess that it looks worse to us than it really is. Optical illusion maybe? Have there been many accidents like this?
anarchy-inc said:
but I'd guess that it looks worse to us than it really is. Optical illusion maybe?

It depends totally on the cargo you are carrying and the way it is loaded and secured.
Most of my lorries are on container work, so there is no danger of anything shifting inside that much to topple it over.
Also, I have no danger of anything coming through the sides, unlike taughtliners (curtain siders).
Had a row with a policeman at the junction of the M25 A2 today because he was in the wrong lane at the roundabout. Those of you who know the area will know the bit I'm on about (where the left lane says Dartford/Tunnel , the middle lane says Tunnel and the right lane says A2).
The police car was in the middle lane with me in the right lane.
He pulled away from the lights and tried to cut in front of me, but wasn't quite quick enough.
Then he had the cheek to pull me up on the A2 and give me a b*ll*cking about dangerous driving.
I just told him to go back to the junction and look at the markings on the road.
If I had wanted to squash his car, I could have done quite easily and it would have been his fault, but I am not like that (unless it's some jumped up pr*t in a corsa) and after just spending £7500 on a paint job, it wasn't worth it.

I invite you to come out in my lorry one day to see the other side of the coin. :devil:
GRAV888 said:
Had a row with a policeman at the junction of the M25 A2 today because he was in the wrong lane at the roundabout. Those of you who know the area will know the bit I'm on about (where the left lane says Dartford/Tunnel , the middle lane says Tunnel and the right lane says A2).
The police car was in the middle lane with me in the right lane.
He pulled away from the lights and tried to cut in front of me, but wasn't quite quick enough.
Then he had the cheek to pull me up on the A2 and give me a b*ll*cking about dangerous driving.
I just told him to go back to the junction and look at the markings on the road.
If I had wanted to squash his car, I could have done quite easily and it would have been his fault, but I am not like that (unless it's some jumped up pr*t in a corsa) and after just spending £7500 on a paint job, it wasn't worth it.

mmmmm . . . . squashed corsa . . yum

GRAV888 said:
I invite you to come out in my lorry one day to see the other side of the coin. :devil:

Id' love to one day . . . sounds like fun.
Hope it wasnt Dave E. former member and Mercedes owner!
GRAV888 said:
Now the truth is out about Pammy's favourite car!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p :p

yeah yeah :D - got a real short straw today with the hire car though - a Focus C max turbo diesel - what a pile of doo dah!!! :mad: once it got going it was OK flew round the bends easily enough but took forever to get moving - not the ideal car to negotiate lorries with!
that'll be the sort of Van shaped one, won't it!;)
R2D2 said:
that'll be the sort of Van shaped one, won't it!;)

butt ugly describes it's looks perfectly :D and it's performance :D

Can't wait to see what they've got in mind for Monday and Tuesday and then next Thursday :crazy: . I feel like I live in hire cars atm :( For some reason they're not coming from Harrogate anymore - reckon they've cottoned on ;) and they come from either York or Leeds. But on the plus side - makes me love my baby even more :bannana: :bannana:
anarchy-inc said:
but rather I have been the the receiving end of truck drivers who fail to notice cars that have just pulled up along side them and then pull out.
If you look at any modern truck,you will see that they have a lot more mirrors than other vehicles, this is because of the amount of blind spots that are created by the design of the cabs, even with all the extra mirrors I can loose sight of a large van on my near side, and a family sized car on my off side, (although by looking over my sholder I will see it) Since the opening of borders in Europe more and more non UK trucks now drive on our roads, (and british left hand drive trucks) I would never contemplate sitting beside a truck even for a few moments, they just can´t see you..drive down the M20 any day of the week and you will see accidents between LHD trucks and cars, it is a daily occurance.
With regard to restricting overtaking of trucks, at 5mph difference in speed it will take about 3/4 mile to overtake, I know it is an inconveiniance to other road users, but if the trucks are going 100´s of miles in the same direction after just 4 hours the following truck would be 20 mile further back if they were not allowed to overtake.. I drive in Germany a lot and I have found the Autobahns far more congested than any in the UK, so it appears not to work

Generaly when another truck is trying to overtake me I will, where possible ease off the gas and let them through, perhaps if more truck drivers did that it would help to ease frustration
O/T but,
I will be after another driver on 4/10.
Let me know if you know of anyone matey.
I mainly do containers from Thamesport, but occasionally do spain,Germany and Italy.
Good rates.
uumode said:
Yeah, but it's 15 tons? going at 40mph, with a bouncing load and highish C of G? Car transporters look frightening, and in strong winds, it is known for some high sided vehicles to get blown over.

just had to put my 2 pence in, I drive a car transporter, carry 11 cars run about 16 ft when loaded and yes the lean like a bugger in a corner due to a lot of wieght being so high up, high center of gravity. As a rule they dont tend to go over in the wind as there is quite a few gaps for the air to go through hence not acting like a sail more of a net. I had more near miss blowovers driving a tautliner than with this. I agree that some drivers are very good at pulling out on you using the size as a weapon, however don't feel it's because you are in a car, I get it in the truck. BUT it would be nice if some car drivers were better educated in the problems driving a large/heavy vehicle. We need more space to manouver at junctions, roundabouts and the like. Oh and sometimes we wander if our indicaters have stopped working as they have been on for nearly a minute but yet all the cars in the middle lane stay there and keep coming past even though the outside lane is empty. got pulled once by a following police officer who thought i was drunk as i was weaving from the kurb to the white line on an a road. He was very understanding when I explained that in order to keep the brand new cars on my vehicle in an undamaged condition it meant I have to position myself on the best part of the available road so as to avoid the trees.
Another situation for you, driving down a dual carrigeway approaching the end where the 2 lanes go into 1. there is a lot of traffic in front and it is slowing, I start to slow and a car along side me pulls just in front, cuts accross then hits the brakes :eek: I hit mine as hard as possible and notice her 3 kids in the back looking up at me :eek: a quick glance to my left, thank fork there is nothing there as i cant pull 36 tonnes up in 6 ft! still hard on the brakes i move over to the left, the whole thing rocks like a dingy on an ocean wave. I come to a halt level with her window, I look over in shock (the adrenelin is coming out the bottom of my trousers) and she gives me the bird!!!! :crazy: I got out to explain that she nearly got pushed up the road by a volvo and 11 hondas and she tells me she is late (she was nearly the late mrs someone alright) and that there was plenty of room (yea before she cut in front there was) I realised she was blissfully unaware of how close she came to being a bonnet ornement so thought I would save my breath and get back to it, as I am walking away she call me a tosser. maybe i am but you have to get to know me to find that out. in summary if ignorance is bliss she was the happiest woman on the face of the earth that day, but it would have been reported as an accident involving a lorry and everyone would pre judge. there are good and bad in all its just that some days you meet more of the latter and less of the former. sorry for going on but there are always 2 sides to a story. :cool:

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