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In honour of the Fuzzmeister

The sand is dropping ..... grain by grain ....

I wish i was a Shrink ....

Between you two i could be driving an S320 CDI :) :bannana:
Ian B Walker said:
Anyone want to see Pammy having a "Blonde" day? :D :D
You'd certainly have enough to choose from:D I seem to be having several Blonde moments each and everyday at present:(

But i am worried - not least coz you lot need to get a life - there was me tucked up n snoozing all sweet and innocent, and here's you two plotting:devil: Mr W - your halo will be tripping you up today - you naughty boy:devil: And as for Mr K, obviously by nature as well as name:D

But as for Jason getting said E320 CDI - what's in it for me?
(ps seen one of those around Leeds the past few days - silver of course, sporting the no L66DS L, an oldish guy driving, don't know who he is - might be sommat to do with the dreaded Leeds Utd I sp'ose:( )
Well I havent received any bribes so the deed has to be done. A slight explanation before hand. Ray (kikkthekat) and I were having a quiet pint or four in the Bar at the Hilton Hotel in Swindon. Just prior to going to the skidpan day. As we sat there enjoying the atmosphere we noticed Pammy walk in. It had to be her as knowing her affection for Fuzzer she had come prepared (see hand bag). We adopted the usual pose (hiding behind full glasses) and watched her walk around asking for Jason. Ray took the opertunity to grab my camera and without drawing attention to us, snap off a pic for prosperity. So peeps, here it is.


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We've got '2-jags' Prescott ....

And now we've got '2-fags' Pammy :rock:
Hey ..... 2-fags .... what's that in your handbag? :eek:

Thankyou guys for brightening up my otherwise s**t day:D

Mr W - I did spot two very very unsavoury looking characters. Looked very seedy indeed, must have been you. Mind, must have had one or two more to drink than I thought and got a bit off course, could have sworn I was in Leeds:rolleyes: Is that why the taxi driver stung me for £147.33:confused: Thought it took a long time to get home too. Funny how things become clearer with the passage of time:crazy:

Mr K - What's in my handbag? That's for me to know and you to digitally enhance;) and BTW - the rewards a tad more than $10000;)

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