Active Member
Yesterday at work I had the afternoon off and walked over to my car - drat - I noticed the back tyre was flat. I spend ten minutes pumping it up and it seemed to hold the pressure. So I took it to the local tyre shop on the way home to see if I could get it repaired. I hoped so as the tyres were only just over a month old. Anyway as expected they said it wasn't repairable but said they'd be able to get me another tyre in the morning at £105 + vat. I drove away and said I'd think about it. I wasn't intterested really as it was too dear and I wanted another Fulda Carat tyre to match the rest. I rang my usual tyre supplier who unfortunately are 17 miles in the opposite direction to home (hence why I didn't go there in the first place). He straight away said "Have you got the tyre ?" I said I'd left it there. "Go and get it back and bring it over here and we'll see if we can repair it. Anyway an hour and a half later I was driving home with a perfectly good tyre again - they repaired it with a little difficulty but repaired it all the same. He didn't even charge me as I'm a regular customer. What a star man ! I'd be interested to know how many people just accept what the tyre place says and leave a perfectly repairable tyre at the shop and have to buy a new one.