The world would stop if we had to wait for someone actually to finally commit to a turn before moving ourselves - when will people get tough on these dozy old duffers ? I have nothing agains old people , my parents after all are getting on a bit , but the minute some demented old twit gets behind the wheel , he or she gets treated like the Queen Mother , and cannot be considered to do wrong - the police are as bad , they let them walk most of the time because the don't want them croaking it by the side of the road because of the thought of a Court appearance .
Tell your insurers to insist upon full indemnity from the 3rd party - issue a summons and get the money back that you deserve .
I get really fed up with people defending doddery old duffers in situations like this - take everthing at face value , and it certainly seems that the guy should not be on the road , next time he will indicate , carry straight on and take out a kiddy or a motorcyclist - then lets see who is in the wrong then .