Not sure if I missed an updates Gav, are you now keeping this beauty or still looking to sell it?
Hi Bob,
i got to the bottom of the gear change anomaly as although she was 95% better she still had the common minor lump 1st change in the morning,i came accross the Usa forum who had a chap that was complaining of harsh gear changes with his c32,, You may remember year and a half ago i had 2 solenoids replaced in the gearbox which made it alot smoother, but it always had and both my 211's did from cold a slight lump 2-3 when 1st changing from cold.
Anyway he changed the TC Solenoid, and it sorted his, The Valve was only £60 from Mb so i thought what the heck and dropped the valve body lol, And blooming heck i wish id had done it from day one.
It now as the smoothest gearbox ive ever know. It would easily pass as a new gearbox.
I put her up for sale and we accepted a offer on our house shortly after. I had alot of time wasters enquire but non came to see her , then the Virus thing hit so i let the adverts expire and decided id let my new mortgage repayments cover the extra i needed to move as it only added a couple of years to the term.
In the mean time i got to the bottom of a small groan coming from the heater blower, Rpm dependant and only with the fan running, and no it wasn't the heater blower itself.
I actually thought it was the Auxiliary water pump for the heater, which sits behind the Osf headlight. It was a Bosch unit and only £26 or so but nope lol it didn't cure it. It was such a small noise it didn't notice, well my wife couldn't hear it anyway.
It actually turned out the A/c was low on Gas , Still blowing cold but not as cold as it should have been. I couldn't believe it after getting theac serviced she is so quiet inside and out.
So the answer to your question after i've rambled on half a page or so is No im not actively looking to sell her. haha
I bet you wished you hadn't of asked now