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Motorbike Vs W202

The thing motor bike riders must always remember though is:

'Being in the right' does not bar entry through the 'Pearly Gates'

A motor cycle offers no protection and unlike a race track, when the rider comes off his bike on the roads of Great Britain 'something' will stop them. That something is very rarely 'soft'.

The freedom and exhilaration of riding a high performance motor bike well, is exhilarating and it takes a lot of self control not to get carried away. ;) ;)

'Man and machine as one'
There seems to be quite a few of us bikers on the forum.... we should have a bike meet one day. :)
glojo said:
Dry conditions unfortunately a 'big' bike will win.
Dont want to start a ruck but you are wrong, :D , I have in my past life as a boy racer played with bikes in my then car, they cant compete when it comes to braking and the same in a corner, all due to centre of gravity an amount of rubber in contact with the tarmac. NOW, in a straight drag "most" cars will get screwed six ways from sunday, BUT!!!!! The smile I got when out dragging an R1 in an old ford (sorry dont start, i got a merc now) will live with me for life....ok it was a sierra cosworth that had the price of a small semi in the home counties thrown at it, big brakes, trick suspension, over worked engine, 0-60 in under 4 (could have been better but no traction off the line at the pod) and ok the engine is only good for about 8k miles but, it nailed the bike! however trust me, bikes for pounds for smiles are unbeatable but they can be beaten by a mere car.......head down flack expected....
Sp!ke said:
There seems to be quite a few of us bikers on the forum.... we should have a bike meet one day. :)

Hi Spike,
Just noticed the Hayabusa in your signature. 'A flying machine' that I have read about but never seen in the flesh or got close to. Is this your ultimate bike? How does it compare to the 'smaller' Fireblade?

Should we start a new Bikers thread?

Bye for now,
wiggy said:
Dont want to start a ruck but you are wrong, :D , I have in my past life as a boy racer played with bikes in my then car, ....

Hi Wiggy,
Until recently I was on your side. Tiff Needell was also of the same opinion, so he set-up a test where he carried out some timed laps of a very tight race circuit. We both agree that a bike is at its most efficient when upright and looses grip when layed over. Tiff was certain that on the tight circuit he would drive the pants off a high powered street motor cycle. Especially when he was driving a high powered super car and he was only up against a mass produced street bike.

Tiff drove his laps as fast as he could, then they superimposed the laps of the motorbike. The bike won convincingly.

I was like you convinced that the car would win hands down especially on this very tight circuit, but I had, just like Tiff, to accept that the bike was quicker and won fair and square. I certainly am NOT in the same league as Tiff when it comes to flying around circuits and if he could not go as quick as the bike, I would very respectfully suggest it is possible that you might not be able to either?? :)

You can disagree with me as much as you wish, it certainly will not offend me, but I am merely the messenger boy.

No doubt a Formula 1 racing car, might be quicker than a GP bike, we will have to compare lap times, but this was a mass produced street bike that anyone can purchase racing agaibst a super car that most of us could not afford to purchase, and it is really the performance of hte modern Fireblade, R1 type bike that we are talking about.

By all means continue your discussion here, or if we are to off thread, perhaps you could p.m. me.

I think the contest was on Fifth Gear or similar.

I can also remember some motor cycle showing off and pulling a wheelie when it went by Sabine on the Nuringburgring. Yes it was on the straight, but by the time she got to a decent bend the bike was out of camera shot!!!! Sabine was not hanging about and was in an M5

Sp!ke said:
You gotto remember that there are plenty of 40 something bikers that have recently passed their tests with the money to buy exotic machines.
Yes I am very aware of this! The F*CKERS spend most of their summer sundays using the A37 as their own personal drag strip :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
They burned our village camera out no less than 3 times this summer :( but dont worry I got some piano wire for them next year :D :D :D

Don't mind me Im just jealous cos I am banned from ever having a bike by most of my family :rolleyes:
glojo said:
Hi Spike,
Just noticed the Hayabusa in your signature. 'A flying machine' that I have read about but never seen in the flesh or got close to. Is this your ultimate bike? How does it compare to the 'smaller' Fireblade?

Should we start a new Bikers thread?

Bye for now,

TBH, I'm still getting used to it. Most relatively standard busas will read off the clocks (220mph) which in truth is about 193 ish. Its just that extra 10 or so miles an hour thats a bit tricky to get. I've had plenty fast bikes in my time but this thing is just silly... 85mph in 1st you change up and it hits the power band hard at just over the ton and gracefully lifts the front wheel for you :) I've honestly never been on anything you have to respect the power on quite so much.... that said, I have been making a few changes.... first was upgrading the brakes on the front to 6 pot Nissins (now have 12 pistons acting on the front wheel :) ) Then I fitted the little electric derestrictor (first 3 gears were restricted) and done the airbox mod and got rid of the pair valve then I found the clutch has a problem with fast launches so now I am fitting a billet clutch centre & heavier springs.. next stop some new pipes, a PC2 and a proper fuel mapping done at BigCC motors in woking. I'm now also toying with getting a little Nitrous kit and a bit of lowering just to make damn sure I hit the magic milestone at RAF woodbridge next year and become a true member of the 200 MPH club :D

Once I have hit this milestone, I'll probably get rid of it before I kill myself or lose my licence (again). As I say, its just too ridiculously fast, especially with all these cameras about so once Ive had my fun I'll be looking at a R1150GS or something a bit more sensible.
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Sp!ke said:
There seems to be quite a few of us bikers on the forum.... we should have a bike meet one day. :)

If I turned up on mine you would all b*gger off :devil: :devil:
Plodd said:
If I turned up on mine you would all b*gger off :devil: :devil:

LOL. Keeping to the speed limit of course!!!!! LOL

Plodd said:
If I turned up on mine you would all b*gger off :devil: :devil:

That depends... I know a few bikers that are in your line of work and most of them are a good bunch and generally turn a blind eye (or even join in) with a bit of a scratch as long as its done in appropriate conditions and not putting others at risk.

It's the ones that have obviously caught all the crims'.....and solved all crime.......and with all the monumental time on there hands have decided to cash in on the heinus crime of slightly smaller no-plates.......and dark visors that I try and keep clear of. :rolleyes:
a long story..

once pulled onto the M40 for 1 juction (about 2 miles) - short shifted to top, and just whacked the throttle open at about 3,000 rpm. left it full pen, hit about 135mph on the clocks, closed throttle to pull off at the next junction.

at this point i noticed a slightly blue-ish set of car lights catching me up.


sowed right down on the (1/2 mile) sliproad - now can see its plod(d) ;)


Chap aks me if I know why I was stopped - to which I reply .. um... 85 ish? ' no - you were going a damn sight faster than that mate'..


Starts looking round the bike. Illegal non-EU/ BS marked exhausts (full race type noise level) blah blah - N2O bottle - ' whats that?'

um N2O

Whats that?

Long explanation about mad max / gone in 60 seconds..

cool! can that be fitted to our patrol car?

long chat about N2O / how it works / what it does / how much of a nutter I must be for having this on a bike...

Sent on my jolly way...

130+, illegal exhausts, no PNC check, no HORT1... lucky I reckon...

yet 3 months ago, got pulled for 60 mph in a 60 (you overtook those cars.. well yeah - the idiots were doing 45 mph) - yet the PNC had no record of my bike reg / engine number / frame number :eek: :crazy: - i nearly got arrested - escaped by offering all the ID i could, and being charming :)
guydewdney said:
yet 3 months ago, got pulled for 60 mph in a 60 (you overtook those cars.. well yeah - the idiots were doing 45 mph) - yet the PNC had no record of my bike reg / engine number / frame number :eek: :crazy: - i nearly got arrested - escaped by offering all the ID i could, and being charming :)

Hi Guy,
I think your post highlights everything most of us are saying on this forum. There are always two sides to every story. I am referring to the motorist who was allegedly reported for doing just 76mph on a motorway.

In my experience Traffic Motorcycle Police Officers are generally 'bikers', there are sadly a few that see the world as black and white. This attitude then gets the maximum adverse publicity whilst the friendly laughing, jovial officer gets no recognition. (I accept you were stopped by a car)

I have seen a traffic motor cycle officer give a talk to some 'streeetwise' youths. As a party piece he demonstrated the slow speed manoeuvrability of his bike by completing the slalom course that was laid out for 'L' riders. That really got their attention as some of them were having problems doing the course on their 125's. He finished off by standing up on the saddle whilst travelling at an 'impressive' speed.

Those 'streetwise' little devils were all making quite derogatory remarks about the Police prior to the demonstration. Afterwards, they thought the sun shone out of this officer's rear orifice. He had not only obtained 'street cred', he had also obtained their respect.

How easy it would of been to turn up, lecture everyone about the law, and just quote statistics!!

(These experiences all happened many, many moons ago)


Just thought I had better clarify what I meant bye 'talk'.

I meant he was invited to a Youth Centre for a pre-arranged 'talk'. I certainly do not mean the officer just stumbled across a group of people and then 'put on a show'
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mention motobikes. my parents were driveing home the other day and were going upto a corner and see a great big black mark along the road. into the corner and barely moveing traffic on the approch to corner if you wernt to stop ud hit a giant oak tree. there is a hedge following a bend a motobike had slamed its brakes on neally cut the corner and went into the hedge and had started wipeing the hedge and brambles out around this corner came to rest about a foot from another oak tree with the bike still standing in a hedge on its wheels. biker was very very lucky.

however i will never get on a motobike a quad or car is better in my opinon i know with motobikes you can move suddenly and brake a lot quicker but and chances of accidents are everso much slimmer than a car but when sh|t happens its offten worse. been told about a few more terrible ones.

a few miles from where i live theres this restraunt/cafe thing and on saturday or sunday theres like 100 motobikes outside it and loads of people its a sight all these huge powerfull bikes.
nfs_tgb said:
a few miles from where i live theres this restraunt/cafe thing and on saturday or sunday theres like 100 motobikes outside it and loads of people its a sight all these huge powerfull bikes.

Which pub's this then?
wiggy said:
Dont want to start a ruck but you are wrong, :D ,

Hi Wiggy,
I always believe in being fair and honest. My presentation of Tiff racing against the bike was both fair and accurate, but to back-up your statement when it comes to the top, of the top. i.e. Formula 1 and Gp Motorcycles, I have checked the Malaysian Grand Prix circuit, at Sepang, I believe both Formula use the track and the Formula 1 car is 30 seconds per lap faster!!!! (Over to you Shude :) ).

Of course it is unfair to compare a Formula 1 vehicle with any other mechanically compelled 'beast'. Compared to the car the bike has the aero dynamics of a double decker bus travelling sideways!!

I am a biker through and through. There is more overtaking in one lap of a Gp race than a whole season of F1. (After the first lap or two it is very rare to see the lead being swapped on the track in F1)

In the real world you will see para medics on motor bikes and obviously the Police, for making progress on a road there is quite simply no comparison.


Take care,
and happy biking,
its not a pub its a cafe/resraunt thingy foxes dinner i think its called at moment it always changeing its near burcot and berrinsfield which is about 13 miles from oxford
Did you see fifth gear the other week, racing Jenson Button's BAR against a race bike? What was very apparent was the ability of the car to put down the power from the start without doing a wheelie. The bike couldn't use full power until up to around 70-90mph as it would have flipped. Though this difference should only be apparent at the highest levels.

Also regarding the maximum cornering speed of a bike, it's less often down to grip but more to physics. i.e. a certain cornering load requires an angle of lean to go with it, this can be improved for the bike if the rider hangs off the side. However, eventually you can lean no further! and it is this that ultimately dictates the maximum velocity around the corner. Cars however can go until the tyres let go, and even then they can often recover with a little reverse lock, when that happens to a bike it's called a highside! My 2 wheeler is a GSX1400, relatively quick but not particularly agile :eek:
Hi SamR,
The other major problem Gp bikes have is the gyroscopic effect of their wheels. I watched a very interesting documentary displaying the problems and that is one of the reasons why riders actually move out of the saddle, the bike is not leaning over as much as the rider. Although the centre of gravity is lowered. (My definition might not be accurate, but I hope you understand what I am trying to put into words). For road use this style of riding has never been proved to be an advantage.

To compare an F1 car to anything is unfair. Get Michael Schumacher into the fastest supercar ever made and let him try to keep up with a Formula 1 Minardi!!!! Never mind Button in his BAR. The grip, plus downforce of the F1 car is uncomparable to anything else.

However get Rossi on his Yamaha Gp bike and he will leave any super car for dead!!

How would your bike compare performance wise to a Hyabusa or GSX-R1000 K5?

Many, many moons ago I used to be an advanced motor cycle instructor but these modern bikes appear to be rockets without wings!! (rockets don't corner too well either)

Take care,
Hi John

A comparison isn't necessarily appropriate! Mine has 102bhp against their 170+Bhp, but possibly alot more torque. It is a 'retro' looks stylewise like the sports bikes of the 80s should have done... twin shocks, plenty of engine and chrome and is 'naked' / no fairing. My analogy to people is think of it as a 500sl compared to a caterham or Lotus esprit! The SL has torque and is easy power in any gear, the other you have to work for though would out perform the SL. To be fair though in that respect mine compares to a 600 sports. The gixxer 1000, R1 or busa are a league ahead in power. Having said that mine tops at 143 (fast without a fairing), and still makes 65 in 1st. There are those who can do 0-60 in 3.2 seconds or so. I find it too scary to put all the power down on take off, preferring to be in second for the 20-75 stint, so it's still no slouch, and fine for reasonable speeds (the big difference showing with the other bikes at 100+). It's not a nimble sports bike though, but a good compromise for a weekend biker and mercedes owner :p . Also the headwind reminds you how fast you're going... I guess overall mine's the prettiest :p :p
SamR said:
A comparison isn't necessarily appropriate! Mine has 102bhp against their 170+Bhp, but possibly alot more torque. It is a 'retro' looks stylewise like the sports bikes of the 80s should have done... twin shocks, plenty of engine and chrome and is 'naked' / no fairing. I guess overall mine's the prettiest :p :p

Hi Sam,
I had best duck because I am definitely with you on the points you have, and perhaps have not made. My brother has a Honda 600 flying machine, he was thinking of getting a Fireblade but the insurance played the deciding role.

These out and out sports bikes might look the bee's knee's but I certainly would not want to ride 200 miles on one. It looks more comfortable to tuck your knee's behind your ears, plus they are really only suitable for just the rider?? I am ducking here, but my brother's wife did not look very comfortable at all on the pillion. Your bike looks the part (particularly the blue) and would be my choice over a Hyabusa.

I am quite a big chap and anything above 80 - 90mph was not comfortable over a long distance on a bike without a fairing (once got into an interesting 'tank slapper' at about 90mph) :) My fellow instructor was just in front of me and it bougt a smile to his face ;) (and he was a Police motor cyclist)

I like your bike,

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