<div class="bbWrapper">Hi, after the thoughts form those who may have been in my situation.<br />
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A couple of weeks ago a letter dropped on my doormat from Hampshire Constabulary in the form of a Notice of Intended Prosecution. The incident related to my allegedly travelling at 35mph in a 30mph limit 7 days previously.<br />
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I can't recall the journey on that day as it was 7 days ago. It was on the route I would normally take to work although I'm off sick at the moment. I have worked out that I did make a journey that day and would have been in the location I've been acused of. I however have no way of recalling the speed that I would have been travelling at through the village.<br />
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Now, I consider myself to be a slow driver who has had a clean licence for more than 20 yrs. I have also passed the IAM test. I was fully aware of the speed limit through the village as I drive it daily. I am also aware that the police covertly operate there so wouldn't deliberatly speed through the village.<br />
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I've been offered no evidence at this stage bar a line saying they have video/dvd &/or photographic evidence.<br />
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My options appear to be:<br />
1. to pay £90 and go on a speed awareness course.<br />
2. £60 / 3 points fixed penalty.<br />
3. go to court.<br />
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No.1 seems the easiest less painful option.<br />
No.2 seems the cheapest option. ( I doubt it will affect my ins. premium)No.3 seems the riskiest option.<br />
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I'm leaning towards No.3 as I would like to see the evidence and paperwork verifying that the speed trap was legal / properly calibrated etc. for myself before admitting guilt. The method of capture is described as manned equipment. I wasn't pulled in at the time and shown the errors of my way. Yes I know its very easy for your speed to creep up a couple of miles an hour and then be in the wrong place etc.<br />
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I'm not a legal person and haven't spoken to anyone who has opted for No.3. Would I be right in thinking worse case would be £1000 / 6 points?<br />
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If anyone has been in a similar situation I'd be interested to hear from you. Before you reply, I'm happy to 'take it on the chin' but feel that some sort of evidence should be offered first as I honestly dont remember the details of the journey.<br />
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Thanks.<br />
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What I'm really</div>