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No DVD Eject Comand NTG2 (CLK W209)


Active Member
May 11, 2009
CLK W209
recently i installed a comand ntg2 unit in my clk w209
unit was wroking properly for some days and with it i received a 9.1 version dvd of the maps, when i inserted v12 update lasted for 4-5 seconds and units started acting weird, i had no sats on the gps etc.

So withing engineering menu, i reseted everything, deleted gaus etc. and suddenly when it starts now for example in radio, it fades for a sec and says "please insert navigation dvd" and whenever i press the eject button i get the message "Function is not available"

So i am stuck with an audio cd inside (which sounds perfect and works) and i cant load the updated navigation dvd

Any thoughts? I thought that the star could let me load the maps but it says only with the maps loaded in the comand and there is no actuation related on ejecting the dvd!
Unplug the unit or remove the fuse for it for a few minutes then reinsert and see if that helps.
Is there anyway to force eject it? (Like the pc hardware drives that have an eject hole etc. :p )

Cause its clearly a software issue...
Firstly, was the V12 an original or a copy ? (ascertain whether it may have misread the firmware update that it was loading). Deleting everything in engineering mode is not good. There is a 'erase' CD for NTG2 I think (I have forgottten the part number though)

How did you enter engineering menu? Did you check the NAV+5 menu too ?

Yes, that was mainly the "checkup"menu, nothing to do there
Engineering menu -> Go to SERV, then hit Lang and in that menu press "Phone Done" + "Upper Left" + "AUDIO"

v12 is Genuine Disk from MB (I got it from a friend)

Now i have a copy of v9 and genuine disks from v9.1 and v12 but i have no way to load the disk :p

What do you mean by "Erase CD" Richard?

If you mean any cd by loading you know that this is not an option :p
Here are some pics!
And as i said, by the time the comand starts (when i put the key in) music fades and it says "Please insert the navigation dvd"

ImageShack Album - 3 images

Should i take it off and open the comand so that i can take the cd out? (I said it would be better to be advised before i go on wih that...)
Have you tried pressing AND HOLDING the eject button for about 10 seconds ?

Most disc transports have that as a default eject option.
Yes, still no luck :)

"Function currently not available"
So, today i will be taking it out and will disassemble it to make it work, any advices before doing that?

I have the same problem.

How do you solve it?.

Thanks and regards.
Hello again.

I have got solve it only removing the fuse 64 for ten minutes.

Best regards

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