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Not just motorways


Active Member
Sep 18, 2017
GLA 200 AMG Line Premium Plus

On Friday driving towards Chichester on A259 a normal 2 lane A road the car coming towards us suddenly pulled across in front of us, stopping us, and then did a fumbled three point turn. Never seen that on a busy road in 40 yrs driving.
Later coming out of Chichester in moving traffic towards the roundabout we noticed the car in front was finding it hard to keep a straight line. Closer inspection showed he was shaving with a normal razor blade razor while still moving forward.
In general the driving ability of the average joe is shocking.

Those that drive for a living are probably some of the worst, mainly due to complacency or aggression.
Many moons ago while negotiating a roundabout on my motorbike I encountered a bloke reversing on said roundabout because he had missed his turning.

It clearly had not occurred to him to simply continue going around and having another stab at it .🤷‍♂️

Luckily the road was deserted on that quiet Sunday morning.
In general the driving ability of the average joe is shocking.

Those that drive for a living are probably some of the worst, mainly due to complacency or aggression.
None of which applies to anyone on this forum.
I'm sure it does....we have all made silly mistakes or had errors of judgement when driving....I certainly have but luckily none have ended in anything serious. You see someone do something stupid or make an error and label him a bad or dangerous driver when you have not seen him driving well for the other 99 percent of the time. I bet someone out there has said something about the way that everyone of us drives at some point or other....even if its just going too slow for the conditions.....a pet hate of mine!! Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
The concept of the three point turn and it not being meant to hinder the traffic is one people just don't think about.

I recall feeling the wrath of an angry middle aged man when I was in my early 20s. I can clearly be seen approaching, his car is facing me so he can clearly see me coming down the road. As I approach he's facing the curb to my right. So I drive behind him and carry on my way.

Cue him racing up behind me, frantically flashing me to pull over. I stop and he loses his sh!t, I'm a boy racer etc etc. In reality I drove at a perfectly reasonable speed and I'm pretty sure if he pulled a turn in the road causing another vehicle to stop during his driving test, he'd have failed.

Selfishness is one of the biggest issues I find with drivers. 'I want to do this' and there's no care given to anyone around them at the time.
The concept of the three point turn and it not being meant to hinder the traffic is one people just don't think about.

I recall feeling the wrath of an angry middle aged man when I was in my early 20s. I can clearly be seen approaching, his car is facing me so he can clearly see me coming down the road. As I approach he's facing the curb to my right. So I drive behind him and carry on my way.

Cue him racing up behind me, frantically flashing me to pull over. I stop and he loses his sh!t, I'm a boy racer etc etc. In reality I drove at a perfectly reasonable speed and I'm pretty sure if he pulled a turn in the road causing another vehicle to stop during his driving test, he'd have failed.

Selfishness is one of the biggest issues I find with drivers. 'I want to do this' and there's no care given to anyone around them at the time.
He was training to be an Uber driver.
He was training to be an Uber driver.
Haha judging by some of them, that's entirely possible!

By contrast I used a minicab once and had the best cab driver I can remember. I got chatting to this chap, turned out he'd been an engineer until his retirement and then took up being a cab driver. He was from the Caribbean, a complete old school gentleman but also 79 years old and drove like a chauffeur. He didn't look his age by any means but he was telling me how much his insurance had gone up. I was impressed!
Many moons ago while negotiating a roundabout on my motorbike I encountered a bloke reversing on said roundabout because he had missed his turning.

It clearly had not occurred to him to simply continue going around and having another stab at it .🤷‍♂️

Luckily the road was deserted on that quiet Sunday
I've witnessed many a thing when driving, drivers brushing their hair, fella's using shavers, women putting on lipstick and other makeup on their faces.

Yesterday I wondered why a car was going more slowly on the motorway, and struggling to stay in lane. I assume it was someone sending text messages.
But no, it wasn't that. It was a woman painting her nails!
Just leaving home to have the car MOT’d.
On the Isle of Wight driving, anything can happen in the next half hour ……. 😳
...Closer inspection showed he was shaving with a normal razor blade razor while still moving forward.

That's shocking. What is the world coming to? shaving with a normal razor blade? Sigh... there were time when a Gentleman wouldn't consider anything other than a Wilkinson Sword.

On Friday driving towards Chichester on A259 a normal 2 lane A road the car coming towards us suddenly pulled across in front of us, stopping us, and then did a fumbled three point turn. Never seen that on a busy road in 40 yrs driving.
Later coming out of Chichester in moving traffic towards the roundabout we noticed the car in front was finding it hard to keep a straight line. Closer inspection showed he was shaving with a normal razor blade razor while still moving forward.
Context needed!
Define normal razor blade. Are we talking cut throat, double edge safety, or one of those billion blade cartridge things?
Was we using shaving soap, gel, or something else?
Did he exfoliate and heat the skin first?
Was there a cold rinse and lotion once finished?
All of these details are important before judging the driving!🤣

I used to drive to Chichester daily when I taught over there. Best thing was seeing all the nice cars from RR and heading to the Goodwood track.
Just leaving home to have the car MOT’d.
On the Isle of Wight driving, anything can happen in the next half hour ……. 😳
Thats because the average age of IOW residents is about 132!....at least that how it seems when I visit....its "Gods Waiting Room" over there.....much like where I live....at 56 I'm the youngest person in the road....apart from Mrs A (just) and my son!!!
This thread has bounced back after a month so I’m finding it difficult to remember specifics (yesterday is a mystery) but I do remember I was finding it hard to concentrate on my driving while having my hair cut. 🤣
This thread has bounced back after a month so I’m finding it difficult to remember specifics (yesterday is a mystery) but I do remember I was finding it hard to concentrate on my driving while having my hair cut. 🤣
Again, context is needed! Which hair?😉🤣
Thats because the average age of IOW residents is about 132!....at least that how it seems when I visit....its "Gods Waiting Room" over there.....much like where I live....at 56 I'm the youngest person in the road....apart from Mrs A (just) and my son!!!
Mind I’ve always believed the reason why most old Twonks can’t drive is because they never could. 🤫😉
Bearing in mind there are 6,023,173 people over 70 holding a driving license .
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