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OOPS ! My battery went bang ! W124 200TE


New Member
Aug 29, 2007
W124 200TE
Ok, Ok, I know I am a first classs idiot - I have just replaced the battery and attached the -ve connection first (which resulted in a fairly loud bang!)

I now have no electrics at all ............. any ideas where I start to put this right (once I replace with yet another new battery)

....no quips about women and cars please :crazy:
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oops, thats not a good thing to do :(

Right, others will chip in here, but you are probably looking at the following :

1). Fuses in OVP relay blown
2). OVP relay may actually be fried
3). Rectifier/Regulator in the alternator may be fried

Now, there are lots of other things that might have happened, and I am sure people with more experience of this will comment soon.

Good luck, I hope it turns out to be cheap and simple to get it sorted :)
I have just re-read your post, and I don't think it's as bad as you think.

I thought you had put in reverse polarity, which you didn't!

Did the battery explode? Or was it big spark and now no electrics.

Could just be some fuses, nothing more if you are lucky.
The order you connect the terminals should make no difference. Where did the "bang" come from?
The Zener diodes in the OVP relay must be S/C and gone,, other part may be not too hard to say
Sorry chaps, I should be more clear, I connected the battery in the correct manner, i.e to the correct poles but the black became momentarily disconnected and may have touched the side of the car or the battery itself .... result was a scary bang and no electrics.....
Still don't see why it would go bang if the earth lead touched the bodywork ?
Though the terminals are in the same place, are you sure that they are the same polarity on both batteries and that the + and - are in the same place, otherwise I cant see what could be a problem
there should not be a bang. except if you have reversed the terminals.
If you connect the -ve first, when you try to put the +ve in there should be a lot of sparks to tell you this is not right, but not a bang.
Can you take a close up picture of the battery ?
"which resulted in a fairly loud bang!"

If you reconnected the battery whilst the battery was 'gassing' ie = just after it has been charged, then you might have ignited the explosive gas that a battery will give off and 'blown' one, or more, of the battery cells when you reconnected and caused a spark.
i agree with panasonic, i have blown quite a few truck batteries by connecting them up while they are still gassing a bit,
I was thinking that maybe the -ve was connected first, then Flossy connected the +ve and caught the body of the car with spanner?
Whilst people are reading this thread, this is the correct sequence for disconnecting & reconnecting a car battery:

1 - remove earth lead
2 - remove live lead
3 - remove battery
4 - replace battery
5 - replace live lead
6 - replace earth lead

If you follow that sequence any contact between the spanner & car body will not result in sparks & bangs!

Nick Froome
Whilst people are reading this thread, this is the correct sequence for disconnecting & reconnecting a car battery:

1 - remove earth lead
2 - remove live lead
3 - remove battery
4 - replace battery
5 - replace live lead
6 - replace earth lead

If you follow that sequence any contact between the spanner & car body will not result in sparks & bangs!

Nick Froome

You phoned the other day?
....no quips about women and cars please :crazy:

Did you hear the one about a woman changing a battery.......

You have caused a surge by the battery lead disconnecting and momentarily reconnecting which has probably taken out the OVP, as suggested by TV.
Rectified Now Thanks to you all !

I located the OVP relay and had infact blown the 10A blade fuse.

I have replaced it, and voila, my car started first time..... Something sinple and cheap to repair (I am so relieved !!!)

Many thanks for your assistance, I would never have found the OVP relay without your help ( I had been looking at the relays under the fuse box ! - duh!)

I won't be making the same mistake again:D
Whilst people are reading this thread, this is the correct sequence for disconnecting & reconnecting a car battery:

1 - remove earth lead
2 - remove live lead
3 - remove battery
4 - replace battery
5 - replace live lead
6 - replace earth lead

If you follow that sequence any contact between the spanner & car body will not result in sparks & bangs!

Nick Froome


By the way live lead means positive

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