As someone with limited knowledge of the finance products available to buy vehicles (I've always bought with cash) I have a couple of questions:-
On a PCP what are the pros & cons of a high or low guaranteed final value?
I'm likely to be buying a pick up truck for a new business venture in the next 3 to 6 months - tying up working capital by paying cash may not be a good idea as I will probably be borrowing money from bank anyway (1.5% arrangement fee & 2.75% above base rate). What are the pros & cons of the various finance options? (keep it simple please!!!)
ps my sister is a teacher & buys a new car every 2 to 3 years, always VW, and always gets tucked up!!!
1. High or low GFV: - if you take the example I gave as posting number 1, where the payments are £199, if the GFV was higher then the payments would be lower.
And if the GFV is lower, then the payments need to be higher. Think of it this way. On a PCP you are paying the depreciation and the interest on capital. The more the depreciation, the more the payments need to be.
Take a really extreme case, purely for illustration. If MB would guarantee a residual equal to the price you pay for the vehicle (i.e. no depreciation at all) the payments would drop to about £51 per month (just to cover interest on capital).
So high GFV is good. Low GFV is not so good.
2. Which kind of finance best suits your business venture? There is no one size fits all solution here. It is much more complicated than for individuals as taxation, VAT, capital needs for other purposes and so on all need to be assessed. Usual to discuss with your accountant. But there is a pretty good summary on the MB website under financial services where they set out the main pro's and cons of leasing, HP, PCP etc etc.
Once you've chosen the right product for your business, you then need to get the best deal you can. See what APR your bank will give, and any other sources of finance open to you and then see if can get an even better deal from MB or whoever you are buying from.