Apparently a TD5 is quite happy so long as its kept under the 900 deg

thats two differnt tuners telling me that and from my own experience ie its still running, and dont forget the 900 deg c is pulling flat out up my favourite hill (blue bell hill) which is long and hard.
Had it for nearly 4 years and was never any bother from the engine.
Always ran on synthetic oils in engine all trans etc.
Dual mass flywheel went but TD5 is famous for this at about 100k anyway.
The list was stage 2 chip/remap, large intercooler, silicone hoses, egr removal kit, k+n filter, boost controller (21psi), and a lot of people have gone a lot further its a pretty tough engine if looked after, on the other hand its a nightmare if not!
It would smoke (very light haze) in the std state of tune and almost every other TD5 i saw was the same, one tuner lent me several chips from different tuners and i tried them all some were just noticable and others were amazing, admittedely i drove it hard, but conversely looked after it and engine oil was changed at 5k.
A lot of people think the main chip is changed/remapped but its actually the reference chip that is changed/remapped, ie the main chip gets all the parameters from the sensors etc then asks the ref chip for an answer,, this is where the power comes from.