Active Member
Those of you who are regulars on this forum may well know I have been purchasing various products to clean my new C220 Coupe.
After the pressure washer I ordered (Nilfisk C110) arrived I thought I'd give it a go straight away...
Just to give you a bit of background, last weekend I gave my merc 2 coatings of Collinite 476s with one coating of Autoglym Resin Polish in between.
I used the soap foam attachment that came with the PW, as I didn't have any 'proper' soap foam, I used some cheap Wash and Wax I had in the garage, I poured around an inch in and then 2 inch warm water...lets just say I think I need to buy an Autobrite soap foam lance or at least try some other product.
Anyway moving on, after giving the car a rinse with the watery soap I gave it another rinse with just water all from the PW. At this point i'm thinking I don't even need to wash it anymore,anyway I carried on with using the 2 bucket method with some Autoglym Shampoo and my lambswool mit, rinsing every panel with the PW, I then used a micro fibre cloth on the wheels after giving them a good wash with the PW.
Finally I leathered off AND BOY DOES THE CAR LOOK REEM!!!!
I took advice from lots of members on here and i'll just say it has paid off!! The Collinte 476s makes the muck just fall off when I pressure washed and the mit makes it so simple.
I do just have one further question... Can I treat the car too much with the Collinte or can it literally be done every week?
Thanks again guys!!
but I carried on and leathered it off
After the pressure washer I ordered (Nilfisk C110) arrived I thought I'd give it a go straight away...
Just to give you a bit of background, last weekend I gave my merc 2 coatings of Collinite 476s with one coating of Autoglym Resin Polish in between.
I used the soap foam attachment that came with the PW, as I didn't have any 'proper' soap foam, I used some cheap Wash and Wax I had in the garage, I poured around an inch in and then 2 inch warm water...lets just say I think I need to buy an Autobrite soap foam lance or at least try some other product.
Anyway moving on, after giving the car a rinse with the watery soap I gave it another rinse with just water all from the PW. At this point i'm thinking I don't even need to wash it anymore,anyway I carried on with using the 2 bucket method with some Autoglym Shampoo and my lambswool mit, rinsing every panel with the PW, I then used a micro fibre cloth on the wheels after giving them a good wash with the PW.
Finally I leathered off AND BOY DOES THE CAR LOOK REEM!!!!
I took advice from lots of members on here and i'll just say it has paid off!! The Collinte 476s makes the muck just fall off when I pressure washed and the mit makes it so simple.
I do just have one further question... Can I treat the car too much with the Collinte or can it literally be done every week?
Thanks again guys!!
but I carried on and leathered it off