When does the unseen mega user of power, AI, choose to consume? At random? AI acts without human intervention so it creates its own power requirements. Its own demand peaks and troughs. The environmental impact of energy consumption applies only to humans not data centers it appears.
Again, you are compounding two issues.
The power consumption of data centres is indeed massive, but this has been the case for the past 10 years, and no one is suggesting to shut them down to save electricity, because they run (among other things) all the online services that we are using daily (including this forum...) as well as other essential services from government through transport to hospitals etc.
AI will need even
more power, granted. But it's a layman view to suggest that more power consumption is bad. If AI is more efficient, then it will actually use
less power to process a task than conventional computers do.
For example, it has been reported that a single ChatGPT answer takes (on average) as much power as ten Google searches. The question to be asked is how many Google searches are needed to obtain the full information provided by AI in a single answer?
I think that you can see that as AI improves, it will become more efficient than conventional computers systems and will require less energy per task.
The last bit is important. What will likely happen is that more and more tasks will be handed over to AI, and so in spite of AI being more frugal pet task, it will still need more power overall due to the increase in the number of tasks.
Your statement is akin to saying that cars today are less frugal than they once were, because the overall usage of fuel nationwide has
increased over the past 50 years - the obvious answer is that cars
have become more frugal - but we are simply drivings more miles annually than we did 50 years ago.
Of course, you could argue against more computerisation in general, and that's a separate discussion. But if we are to make more use of computers, then AI will be the most energy-efficient way of doing it.