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Today on the M6 toll road.

I agree that the toll is a great road for having a blast - the aston enjoys it very much ! but the fear of being pulled keeps my right foot from flooring the throttle for more than a minute or so . I've had 140 showing but my speedo is a good 10% out according to the B2 - which I have set to warn of overspeed at 95
Sounds a great pity that this is a public highway, now if it were a road that the general public did not have access to??

I suppose there is some government legislation that makes a toll road a public highway? Grrrr

Tell me it was a passenger that took the picture, or a 'hands free' telephone ;) :cool:

lotusmark2 said:
I agree 100% Jason BUT we would have to dodge the SAXO brigade driving like plonkers
Just overtake them, they're literally screaming at about 110mph!
glojo said:
Sounds a great pity that this is a public highway, now if it were a road that the general public did not have access to??

I suppose there is some government legislation that makes a toll road a public highway? Grrrr
I think a road becomes a "public highway" simply if it is treated as such.
>Tell me it was a passenger that took the picture, or a 'hands free' telephone

Sorry, I actually did have to let one hand go, piss around in the glovebox and find the phone, then take the picture.
Shude said:
I think a road becomes a "public highway" simply if it is treated as such.

GOT YOU!!!! AT LAST!!!!! Mind you in fairness you did say 'think'. I suppose that equates to allegedly?

What is a Public Highway?
A highway is a way over which all members of the public have a right of passage. The extent of that right depends on whether the “highway” is classed as vehicular or a bridleway or footpath.

Down here the Ministry of Defence 'close' some of their 'roads' for a 24hr period each year.

They usually just lower a barrier and open it to allow vehicular access. For 364 days of the year the public treats the treat as a public highway, but it is not.

Is Windsor Great Park in a similar situation, but perhaps with different owners??

My fuzzy memory lets me down terribly but toll roads might still be defined as a public highway!!! Plod will be the man.

Pub car parks are always a minefield, although can pubs now be open 24hrs a day??

What a sad person I am. It shows that I never get out.

Bye for now,

OOpps Physio has turned up I will have to goooo
glojo said:
GOT YOU!!!! AT LAST!!!!!
Don't get too excited. I work in IT so my replies are usually vague enough to work even after I am supposedly proven wrong ;)

Please tell me how these statements differ:
Shude said:
I think a road becomes a "public highway" simply if it is treated as such.
glojo said:
A highway is a way over which all members of the public have a right of passage.
Seems like the same thing to me! ;)
Shude said:
Don't get too excited. I work in IT so my replies are usually vague enough to work even after I am supposedly proven wrong ;)

Please tell me how these statements differ:

Seems like the same thing to me! ;)

In ordinary 'speak' you have my vote, but I am being very pedantic here.

On your definition the public can drive on it because, "'oh well I feel like driving along this road tonight" even though it might be a road built by a shopping complex and it only gives access to the shopping complex. It was built by the complex and finally maintained by that same complex. The road however is closed at designated times by the owner. The road looks like a public highway and is treated as such It is however a private road!!

A public highway I believe is where the public have a right of access (there might well be a little whether for payment or not? I simply cannot remember) and it cannot be obstructed, blocked etc. without the necessary authority.

I hope I have made a feeble attempt at trying to explain?? Trouble is my body has been abused by a professional sadist and I am 'suffering'

Please, please treat this as very friendly banter, I respect the knowledge you have and am desperate to seek any sort of 'revenge' ;) ;)

Take care,
glojo said:
In ordinary 'speak' you have my vote, but I am being very pedantic here.
You can bet the police/court would be very pedantic about it so it's worth investigating!
glojo said:
On your definition the public can drive on it because, "'oh well I feel like driving along this road tonight" even though it might be a road built by a shopping complex and it only gives access to the shopping complex. It was built by the complex and finally maintained by that same complex. The road however is closed at designated times by the owner. The road looks like a public highway and is treated as such It is however a private road!!
This is the problem though isn't it?

I read that the road through a supermarket falls under the usual rules of the road, dispite being privately owned. You need to have a licence, insurance, tax and MOT etc to use your car there, sometimes subject to the opening or indeed CLOSING times of the supermarket! How that works I have no idea!

The parents of a friend of mine live on a private road, but it is a public thoroughfare. It's cobbled, has a 5mph limit sign and each bit of the road belongs to each house next to it. The speed limit isn't enforced, it's a home-made sign! They can't put a barrier down to close it because it's a public right of way but yet it's a private road. Where does the law stand on speeding there? :confused:
glojo said:
A public highway I believe is where the public have a right of access (there might well be a little whether for payment or not? I simply cannot remember) and it cannot be obstructed, blocked etc. without the necessary authority.
Ok, that I can understand.
glojo said:
please treat this as very friendly banter
This is mbclub, we only allow friendly banter :)
Hang on. Nobody remember this back in April?

""Greater Manchester Police Assistant Chief Constable Steve Thomas has been prosecuted for driving at 104mph on the M6 Toll Road. Mr Thomas is in charge of traffic policing for GMP.

Mr Thomas said
"On the day in question, the driving and road conditions were good, and I was part of a group of around 15 cars all doing around the same speed. I considered that my manner of driving was safe. However, exceeding the speed limit by this amount is unacceptable and I sincerely regret my error of judgement."

He was fined £450 and given six penalty points.""

Just like any other part of the UK Motorway system.
Why couldn't we have had an autobahn-style de-restricted toll motorway as an experiment? The existing 70 mph limit was brought in for fuel economy purposes. The motorway has less road deaths than anywhere else you can drive. As long as it's frequently maintained (it would get tolls as well as gov't funding surely) then it'd be fine for 150mph and beyond. I can accept that older motorways might not be as good, but this was a purpose-built modern motorway, they could have built it with high-speed in mind from the start and it would get a lot more people (therefore revenue!).

I can't see how anyone could argue that it should be limited to 70mph, it has less traffic, no schools, no pedestrians and therefore no crossings.

My only concern is for unroadworthy cars trying to do high-speeds, but then the kind of people that drive cars that are unroadworthy/no licence/tax/mot/insurance etc are also the ones that probably avoid toll roads.

Missed a chance there I think! :(
Down here the Home Secretary was stopped, reported for speeding, and the driver was NOT prosecuted because the Minister was 'late for an appointment in Exeter!!!!!

If I had been the driver I do not think I would have stopped. I quite simply would have refused the following vehicle with its blue lights flashing was a le

Isn't Greater Manchester Plod country??


I think the driving issue on public\private roads is a minefield for legal boffins to earn a fortune. Regarding the taxation issue I think that boils down to whether the road is 'adopted' by the local authority. (Adopted is a whole new chapter)

We often see children being taught by dad driving the car round 'off road' car parks. I have seen Police Officers give verbal warnings but have never heard of anyone being reported.

When I taught the basic arts of motor cycle riding we always used car parks of one sort or another, but yes everyone had all the necessary documentation. There were though other 'learners' in other areas who were definitely under age.

We have a shopping complex car park that gets taken over at night by the 'white cap man' brigade. When they are not doing 'doughnuts' or 'burn outs they park with their radio's deafening the residents within a 5 mile radius :rolleyes: :rolleyes: well 200 yards!! The Police say they are powerless because it is on private property?? What a load of................ They might not be able to apply the road traffic act laws but they annoy a large number of people and there are certainly otherlaws that they are contravening.

Thank goodness I do not live anywhere near that location.

Thanks for taking my post in the way it was meant.

Regards again,
John The Pedantic
Shude said:
Why couldn't we have had an autobahn-style de-restricted toll motorway as an experiment? The existing 70 mph limit was brought in for fuel economy purposes. The motorway has less road deaths than anywhere else you can drive. As long as it's frequently maintained (it would get tolls as well as gov't funding surely) then it'd be fine for 150mph and beyond. (

Your post certainly has my vote. Motorways are indeed the safest roads and the M6 Toll road would be the ideal choice.

Well said

glojo said:
Your post certainly has my vote. Motorways are indeed the safest roads and the M6 Toll road would be the ideal choice.

Well said


But then they would lose a large chunk of their stealth tax. ie fines. Thats what it comes down to at the end of the day.

We could never have un restricted motor ways, due to the fact that there are people that consider that 60 in the middle lane it fine and the queue of 500 cars struggling to get round them on both sides, is the norm for Motorways...

Shooting is too good for them grrr :devil:
If the public has access with or without payment it is a highway.

Road tax is not required on an unadopted road if my memory serves me right.

I believe in Bolton and probably other places if you park your car on a council owned car park and the vehicle is not taxed you run the risk of getting potted by the council as if you hadn't paid. One of the conditions of using their car parks is that your vehicle is taxed. :eek:
I've never been on that toll road - is it like France where you are timed in and timed out?

Or is there no booth at the end?

I'm thinking average speed here and being caught that way.......

having said that, I never give a toss in France............although I beleive they can shoot you for speeding

marc777 said:
I've never been on that toll road - is it like France where you are timed in and timed out?

Or is there no booth at the end?

I'm thinking average speed here and being caught that way.......

having said that, I never give a toss in France............although I beleive they can shoot you for speeding


afaik - in france it's because the tickets are only valid for 24 hours - they don't use them for speeding - well never have in our case anyway :devil:
The only booth you get is when you exit off, so no timing between booths.... YET!

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