Active Member
Ever since I've had my W203 estate, one by one, each junction in the rear washer system has spat its hose off at some stage. Initially it was at the bulkhead, behind the battery. Then at the joinder behind the cubby hole in the boot. Then at the wiper motor. Earlier in the week, the final joint, the worst one, bulkhead INSIDE the car in the passenger footwell blue. The mat is now nice and damp, and drying out.
Each time I remade the joint, I used two mini cable ties on the rubber boot that the hard PVC hose pushes in to, 180° apart, hoping that this would keep the hoses tight.
In the boot for example, where I felt that the joint was strained, I used some small 3mm bore samco silicone hose, to relieve the strain. At the pump and behind the battery, I used a 90° elbow from an aquarium fitting in order to get the hoses to line up better, and take load off the joint.
Last night though, damn hoses are still popping off!
Anyone got any hints as to what to clean or glue the hoses with so they don't keep coming undone. That PVC line is mighty waxy,and I'm guessing, part of the problem. .
All help appreciated!
Ever since I've had my W203 estate, one by one, each junction in the rear washer system has spat its hose off at some stage. Initially it was at the bulkhead, behind the battery. Then at the joinder behind the cubby hole in the boot. Then at the wiper motor. Earlier in the week, the final joint, the worst one, bulkhead INSIDE the car in the passenger footwell blue. The mat is now nice and damp, and drying out.
Each time I remade the joint, I used two mini cable ties on the rubber boot that the hard PVC hose pushes in to, 180° apart, hoping that this would keep the hoses tight.
In the boot for example, where I felt that the joint was strained, I used some small 3mm bore samco silicone hose, to relieve the strain. At the pump and behind the battery, I used a 90° elbow from an aquarium fitting in order to get the hoses to line up better, and take load off the joint.
Last night though, damn hoses are still popping off!
Anyone got any hints as to what to clean or glue the hoses with so they don't keep coming undone. That PVC line is mighty waxy,and I'm guessing, part of the problem. .
All help appreciated!