Tuercas viejas
MB Enthusiast
Forgive me of this sounds like a stupid question, and it will if you know the answer...
Someone earlier in the thread asserted that their car performed a regeneration every thousand miles on their way to work.
Is the EMS programmed to do the regeneration as the mileage reaches each thousand miles or does the dpf sensor trigger a regen?
The DPF is connected to a sensor by two S/S tubes one fore and one aft of the DPF.
Its called the differential pressure sensor--Looks like a rectangular box like sensor with two V connector tube al la Churchill salute!
Its a piezo acting sensor so there is no actual exhaust gas going through it.
That pressure difference communicated with the PCM combined with exhaust temp sensors plus a few other things triggers a re-gen. These temperatures easily get to 500c in an instant when the re-gen starts and it will shut down if the gas temp gets to about 1800 c!
Always take into account that the SOC cat & DPF requires input temperatures to make the whole system clean itself out.
If your thermostat is not letting the top pipe engine temp get to at least 83c you are on the road to no regen, as is an active engine fault code stored in the PCM.
Remember heat is your friend the other is the oil you use. With these exhaust gas temps the engine lube oil is getting taxed to the max. The vapours being given off tend to plug up the DPF more than normal sometimes as well.
By the way the MB scan system isn't the Holy Grail in all this there are others (scanners ) that will show all this stuff like Snap ON as mentioned previously.
All the best
Tuercas Viejas