I do think there is some evidence though that some of the cost cutting and savings on quality that Mercedes has been guilty of in the lower end models has not happened, or not to the same extent, in the s-class, not in the least because there is more money spent on them and they are after all flagship models.
This is an interesting question. Ask the man in the street if an S-class is better made than a C-class half the price and they will probably say yes.
A number of basic components are shared but are the unique electronics made to a higher standard in the S ? I doubt it.
Is the paint better ? Well they go down the same paint line. Maybe the inspection process is tighter.
Are the panel gaps narrower or just adjusted to a finer tolerance?
Are the leather hides a better grade ?
I would guess yes to the fit and finish questions but no in the electrical components and wiring.
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