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What irritates you about motorbikers?

What annoys me in motorcyclists:

Aggressive riding - but no more so than aggressive driving
Very noisy exhausts - have a couple round my way, and you can hear them from miles away.
Reckless overtaking - no worse than when other motorists do it, but so many London riders come to my neck of the woods for a blast, and tend to be a bit silly at times!
Nothing... I ride one as well as drive a Merc


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Yes Giantyanman... it's my bike... I ride it ! :)

Thanks... I like it, tho am thinking of getting an R1..
With respect, your perceptions are awry. See link for motorcycle licensing and note the ages of 21 and 24 which are relevant to your statement. And if a 17 year old has a "hot hatch", making a sweeping generalisation, then likely his/her parents either bought it or are paying the thousands it would cost to insure. Again, with respect, as we get older, our ability to judge the ages of the young correctly may be waning……..maybe they are actually in their twenties but look young to you.



Well, doesnt that just put me in the 'Grumpy old man' chair :eek:
Thinks: How about a thread for bikers only: "What irritates you about car drivers?"
Thinks: How about a thread for bikers only: "What irritates you about car drivers?"

Drivers that bang on about quick their cars are from 0 - 100 (mph) , yea right :rolleyes: ,drive a super / hyper bike and see what "quick" is.

Drivers that intentionally get in your way when filtering safely.:(

Drivers that don't realise or don't car how vulnerable you are when on a bike.:(

Drivers that moan how loud your bike is but say nothing about the straight through exhausts are on Scoobys / Evos etc. :(

Drivers that throw things out of their window when stationary and not looking where their debris is going , I have been hit with apple cores / fag ends / rolled up rubbish paper and the contents of drivers noses. :(

Rush hour driving is a war.

The perfect example of good and bad on both sides is the Northbound Blackwall tunnel at 8am every day. You have motocyclists perfectly reasonably IMO weaving between the slowly moving cars being cut up by drivers changing lanes without signalling (or even looking it would seem). They then go and ruin it buy continuing with the weaving whilst actually in the tunnel which IMO is just plain stupid.
The bikers who overtake you when they can and then sit in the middle of lane 2 of an empty dual carriageway assuming they are quicker just because they are on a bike and then hold you up - especially as they cannot seem to go round bends e.g. roundabouts.
For me it is breaking all speed limits, weaving through queued traffic at speed and LOUD EXHAUSTS through my otherwise quiet village.

Come on get it off your chest, or is it just me?

I was a dyed in the wool biker before I was into Mercs, so you can guess what's coming:

1. Loud exhausts save lives. You would not hear them coming; particularly with your music on.

2. Have you ever said of a bike: “Damn, I just missed that parking space”?

3. When was the last time a parked bike forced 2 busy lanes into 1 and caused a tail-back?

4. When was the last time you groaned saying: “Oh damn it, I’m stuck behind a MOTORBIKE”?

4a. Ditto, “When IS he going to move out of the way?”. “Will this road hog EVER move out of the fast lane?”. Etc, etc

5. How irritated do you get when a car sneaks up the inside lane and pushes in? ...And a bike?

Finally, the next time you are sitting in a long queue ask yourself this question:

"Would I prefer the car in front to be a bike?"

We aren’t such a bad lot you know :)

1. Loud exhausts save lives. You would not hear them coming; particularly with your music on.

No offence, but there is no logic in this statement at all; it's just a one liner that bikers trot out to justify their self-indulgent choice of exhaust. Here's why:

The only time an exhaust sounds really loud is on full throttle / high revs. Whereas the only time your life is in danger on a bike (unless you stuff it in a hedge off your own bat) is when you are sharing the road with cars. So, if there are cars around and you are riding at high revs / wide open throttle, then you are clearly driving like an idiot and probably contributing to the impending impact.

As a bike rider, whenever there are cars around and there is any possibility that I haven't been seen, I am riding slowly on a closed or almost closed throttle. It wouldn't matter what exhaust I had fitted to my bike, it wouldn't increase my "visibility" one bit.

The time when you hear bikers' offensively loud exhausts is when they have a clear road ahead of them and they rev the nuts off their bikes.

Personally, whenever I hear an unsilenced bike being thrashed (and we get them all the time where I live), I always hope for a little "clump" followed by blissful silence. Sadly, it never happens.
Personally, whenever I hear an unsilenced bike being thrashed, I always hope for a little "clump" followed by blissful silence. Sadly, it never happens.

If that idiotic phrase is supposed to mean what I have taken from it then you should be ashamed , I just hope the air ambulance doesn't make too much noise airlifting the person to hospital as you would probably "hope" they have a little "clump" on the way there ,as long as it is out of your ear-shot, which should cheer you up. :(

If that idiotic phrase is supposed to mean what I have taken from it then you should be ashamed , I just hope the air ambulance doesn't make too much noise airlifting the person to hospital as you would probably "hope" they have a little "clump" on the way there ,as long as it is out of your ear-shot, which should cheer you up. :(


I think my meaning was fairly unequivocal?

Of course I have spent years hoping that the riders in question would develop a social conscience and think "actually this loud exhaust may be giving me a little thrill bit it is perhaps just a teensy bit selfish of me to ruin the peace and quiet of everybody for miles around so I will fit a road-legal system instead". But that ain't happening and frankly I have long since stopped worrying how it is that these selfish morons are removed from the scene. If it's by air ambulance then that suits me fine. I find it hard to feel too much compassion for selfish t**ts when there are so many people more worthy of it.
No offence, but there is no logic in this statement at all; it's just a one liner that bikers trot out to justify their self-indulgent choice of exhaust. Here's why:

The only time an exhaust sounds really loud is on full throttle / high revs. Whereas the only time your life is in danger on a bike (unless you stuff it in a hedge off your own bat) is when you are sharing the road with cars. So, if there are cars around and you are riding at high revs / wide open throttle, then you are clearly driving like an idiot and probably contributing to the impending impact.

As a bike rider, whenever there are cars around and there is any possibility that I haven't been seen, I am riding slowly on a closed or almost closed throttle. It wouldn't matter what exhaust I had fitted to my bike, it wouldn't increase my "visibility" one bit.

The time when you hear bikers' offensively loud exhausts is when they have a clear road ahead of them and they rev the nuts off their bikes.

Personally, whenever I hear an unsilenced bike being thrashed (and we get them all the time where I live), I always hope for a little "clump" followed by blissful silence. Sadly, it never happens.

I've quoted the whole thing because I don't want to be accused of quoting out of context.

As a bike rider yourself you must want to retract the last paragraph?

Edited to add following your simultaneous reply:

Forget the above, you have proved yourself to be as small-minded as first thought.
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What irritates me about motorbikers is nothing when they're on "real" motorbikes - ie the ones that can accelerate faster than I can. But I do hate the scooters and tiny-engined bikes that weave their way through traffic waiting at the lights and then hold everyone up when they get going. Eventually you manage to get past them, only to get to another set of lights that turn red upon arrival. And of course they weave past to the front again :wallbash:

I used to be a very keen motorcyclist, on and off-road, and still believe it was the best way to learn all about the road. You learn about different road surfaces and conditions and their effect on tyre grip. You learn to look well ahead and to make adjustments in good time. You learn not to take safety for granted. It usually hurts when you get it wrong. And of course you learn to have respect for motorcyclists and not to be surprised by them.

Best of all though, my wife likes bikes too:


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