I drive my C220 CDi like your Grandad's Grandad 'cos I do 25,000 miles a year in it and I'm self employed so I pay for everything. However, I put a couple of tanks of BP ultimate in recently and immediately noticed a noise reduction and an increase from 43 to 46 mpg (mainly motorway at 75 mph on cruise).
I've just gone back to Sainbury's melted candle wax with added paraffin (actually it is still EN 590 spec and JS don't own oil refineries so I assume its OK) and the smoothness and quietness has remained ! I'll report on mpg soon.
Although the BP stuff was good, it cost about 0.5p to 1p per mile more than JS on lower mpg.
It does make me think though, why can't all diesel be like BP Ulitmate ? Is it more costly to manufacture, or is it BP capitalising on what they think the market will take for a genuinely premium fuel ?