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Why is the MB Enthusiast Mag soo boring ???


MB Enthusiast
Jan 23, 2007
W205 C43 AMG
Dunno if i'm the only one who thinks this way but this mag is getting really boring. The articles contain very little substance and nearly all articles appear to be padded out with glossy pics so that they don't have to write much.

Are their any folks on this forum that are involved in this mag that can throw some light on the poor quality ?

There are never any "how to" articles and the general impression that I get is that none of the journaists have ever owned the cars that they write about or even own a Merc.

It is a real shame because I occasionally flick through a few of the several BMW mags and they are truly very good and informative. Even though I no longer own a BMW, I find myself reading the mags because they are interesting.

I'm thinking of cancelling my subscription to the MB mag as it seems to be a total waste of money.:crazy:

Any thoughts ?
its getting rubbish... i still get it as customers seem to enjoy flicking through but i stopped reading it ages ago.. same reviews, just different pictures..
It's down to sloppy journalism and editorial decisions.

I used to subscribe to a different publication that went from being a great, informative technical but humorous read, to being a manufacturers marketing showcase.
Having just paid 3 years subs I wasn't happy.

Remember this is the only club recognised by MBUK. They will never say anything wrong about the marque or organisation.
I've bought a couple of them and found them pretty lacking in content, I suppose it's difficult to find that many people to enthuse about their cars, as unlike a general auto magazine you can't just review everything that comes along.

Evo is my regular buy - the staff seem like enthusiasts and the photography is little short of automotive porn.
after May's edition of Practical classics what chance does it have!
It's down to sloppy journalism and editorial decisions.

I used to subscribe to a different publication that went from being a great, informative technical but humorous read, to being a manufacturers marketing showcase.
Having just paid 3 years subs I wasn't happy.

Remember this is the only club recognised by MBUK. They will never say anything wrong about the marque or organisation.


Are you confusing The Gazette with the Mercedes Enthusiasts mag??

I've been reading it since the 3rd issue, and I have to say I've noticed a few repeats for the buying guides.
I agree, it would be great to see some "how to" items.

Also, has anyone noticed there have been more and more obvious spelling errors in some issues over the last year or two?

Having said that, it still won't stop me from buying it. It's the only car mag I regularly buy nowadays :)

Yes I am. Thanks.

The main difference is the Gazette is written by members, all amateur writers.
The ME is written by fully paid journalists and because of this should be far better. I would choose the Mercedes-Benz Club Gazette every time above ME for content.
Post count...

OK , here we go ....

i subscribed for a few years and cancelled mine this year , same old thing repeated year on year , what used to be good reading just went straight in the drawer
They really need to report the good with the bad. I stopped buying them about 2 years ago, but I still flick through them in the shop.

lately its been rubbish

I think it was down to the novelty at first that here was a magazine that had exactly what we wanted and had never been done before. Then we got used to it and the novelty has worn off???

Marque-specific magazines generally are the worst car magazines IMHO.

But Mercedes Enthusiast is possibly the worst of the lot!!

Not helped because equivalent magazines for Ford, Vauxhall, BMW, etc are filled with lots of modified cars. There's a limited supply of modified MBs, and limited number of people wanting to read about them.

It means it feels like reading a brochure - either a new model being launched or an old one bought of ebay - I'm sure they even make up some of the articles!!

Being the only MB magazine in WHSmiths probably reinforces the feeling of complacency for the publisher.
Whats with the 2 identical threads?

Not identical threads....I opened the last one to show the bias attitude of Mercedes Benz UK in respect to the bodywork warranty towards the cars owned by this mag, and just tagged on the end of it that the mag was boring anyway. :)
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I think it was down to the novelty at first that here was a magazine that had exactly what we wanted and had never been done before. Then we got used to it and the novelty has worn off???


I don't think it's so much the novelty factor wearing off.....in comparison to other mags such as the BMW ones or the Jap ones, the content of the MB one is seriously lacking.
I got excited when one issue boasted about a feature on both the Actros and the Maybach! What an interesting comparison and I flipped straight to the 6 page feature.

:o :o :o Apart from the description of both the hotel and the various roads the article was rubbish. Nothing, zilch, it contained absolutely nothing of any technical relevance. ALL the photographs were taken by a photographer that stood outside the vehicles (were they allowed to take interior shots?) The feature was a huge, huge let down and caused me to not renew my subscription.

It certainly was not this one feature that caused the cancellation, this was the straw that broke the camels back. I get the impression that the articles are wrote by well qualified journalists that know nothing about the subject, and what is worse, are probably not interested in the topic, just the amount of words they are paid to write?

It would be nice if the editor of this magazine took the time to read these criticisms as I feel the magazine has a lot to offer, but I doubt it will survive if things do not improve.

I have just taken out a 12 month subscription at a 50% discount simply because I felt sorry for the person that had phoned me. I just need the enthusiasm to open this months edition.:o :o :o


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