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Yet another car park ding >:-(


MB Enthusiast
Jun 3, 2002
Wales, U.K.
CLS350CDI Grand Edition
I was at our local Hellfrauds today for some screen wash, I got some Zymol leather cleaner too, and in my usual style parked in a space away from the maddening crowds. When I got back to the car some red/maroon KIA MPV had parked really close to me in the adjacent space and I had an lovely ding on my front passenger door below the handle complete with matching red paint... Aarrghh :mad:

At least I had a chance to confront the owner of the Kia who had a snotty little kid in tow who had caused the ding despite proclaiming his innocence. After intially offering to buy me a bottle of T-CUT :rolleyes: she eventually agreed to pay for the repair using a dent-wizard type company. She gave me contact details (A name and telephone number which matches the local directory when I looked it up), I just hope she does pay and doesn't change her tune once I get a quote or has given me duff details. We both agreed it wasn't worth bothing insurance companies about.

I just wish people had a little more consideration for others *sigh*. She tore strips off Michael (the kid) but I thought to myself if she hadn't parked so b@$t@rd close to my car in the first place, little Michael could have opened his door without any worries. On the bright side, at least in this case I had a chance to catch the culprit.


P.S. I also got pics of her vehicle in case she tries to duck paying for the repair. Handy things camera phones. :devil:

P.P.S. is it worth notifying my insurance and tell them I am dealing with the matter privately? What are your thoughts?
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I think people who park that close to another car when there is plenty of room available want slapping IMO,As for the insurance I personaly woudn't bother because of complications and possible insurance rises cus of an incident,I bet the excess on your policy is more than the cost of the repair.About £75 ish per panel from what I've heard before.Hope you get it sorted soon.
I had a similar thing happen to me not so long ago, what looked like a small dent on the rear bumper of my w202, turned out to be £750 thanks to S.G.Smith. The impact had pushed the bumper back on one side. The lady who was driving a untaxed car, without insurance said she would pay for the damages. Gave me her contact number, which I rang right away to ensure it was correct, which it was. When I told her the damage she wanted my to try scrap yard parts and use a bodshop her friend owned. In the end I waited for her to visit her mums house (which is where the incident happend) and called the police to report a unroadworhty vehicle, a driver without a licence, and driving without insurance. Not sure what happend to her in the end but she was arrested at the time. Its just annoying, you do nothing wrong, and someone can cause you SO much hassle!!

If I ever have a doubt in future Ill be calling the police (they probably wont want to know), taking pictures, asking to see driving licence or credit card to prove identity. A bit extreme you might think, but I think it has to be done!
i park away from the madding crowd - but also take two spaces by parking ON the white divider line. - (well, the coupe doors are SOOO long... ;) ) - evryone instinctivly parks in bays - im sure they look at my parking and think 'what a prat / arrogant merc owner etc' - but i dont care... no more parking dings for me.

disclaimer - i do this away from the closest point to the shops / in an unpopulated area etc...
aka$h said:
In the end I waited for her to visit her mums house (which is where the incident happend) and called the police to report a unroadworhty vehicle, a driver without a licence, and driving without insurance. ... <snip> ...

If I ever have a doubt in future Ill be calling the police (they probably wont want to know), taking pictures, asking to see driving licence or credit card to prove identity. A bit extreme you might think, but I think it has to be done!

Not extreme at all - good for you! :) I'd do the same. If they can't be ****d to have a bit of consideration for other people's property then let them suffer. :devil:
I always think about where and how I park now to minimise the risk of these dings. Got one on the MGF and was not a happy bunny!! Am determined as far as poss, not to get one on the SLK. At least you got the culprit with this one!!

I've now got a disposable camera in the car just in case - did hear that digital images were not admissable in a court etc - but at least if the offender knows you've taken piccies - it's more likely they'll come through and pay up!!
guydewdney said:
i park away from the madding crowd - but also take two spaces by parking ON the white divider line. - (well, the coupe doors are SOOO long... ;) ) - evryone instinctivly parks in bays - im sure they look at my parking and think 'what a prat / arrogant merc owner etc' - but i dont care... no more parking dings for me.

disclaimer - i do this away from the closest point to the shops / in an unpopulated area etc...

I'm with you on that one. I even do it on pay & display car parks as even at £35 for a parking fine ticket (if I get caught not parking properley in designated bays ) is I reckon a lot cheaper that a door repair and a lot less hassle .
Car park "Dings"

I thought I was in a minority with this behaviour but it seems I wus wrong. My two' penneth:- take up the furthest end bay, pref 2, park at an angle, 45 degs?, across both, leave you bumper as the "vulnerable" item should the worse happen a repaired and painted bumper doesnt stand out like a panel if at all. I have seen idiots, obviously thinking "bl***y flash" etc deliberately dinging their doors on bumpers and they always come off worse. By the way dont expect the police to be interested, I had a driver write off one of my cars a few years ago :mad: , I was static, he hit me from behind at some 40 mph, admited to the police he was feeding his kids in the back apples and not looking forwards for several seconds :eek: . Car written off, five weeks off work, ruined Christmas etc. Got a letter from Chief of Police of so and so saying on this occasion no furher action blah blah blah. Turned out the driver was a police interpreter!
Said ding has now been removed :) I used a company called Dent Wizard and their service was brilliant. The guy drove to my place of work and carried out the repair, I'm one happy bunny again. The quality of the repair is excellent... you'd never know that my car had suffered at the hands of a numpty. :bannana:

Time will tell if the owner pays up but I have notified my insurance of the entire situation and they have been really cool about the whole thing. Basically they're letting me do my own thing and if numpty refuses to pay I can set my insurance hounds on them :devil: :cool: Should not affect my premium either. :rock:

When I first viewed my current car one of the doors was dented all over. I asked the salesman about it and he said the car would be tidied up, un-dented and valeted before collection. Sure enough, it was, and the dented door (had about 5 dents in it) was perfect! :)
Steve_Perry said:
Said ding has now been removed :) I used a company called Dent Wizard and their service was brilliant. The guy drove to my place of work and carried out the repair, I'm one happy bunny again. The quality of the repair is excellent... you'd never know that my car had suffered at the hands of a numpty. :bannana:


I had a dent removed by dent wizards, fantastic value for money to remove a dent (two in my case) for £75 all in. £730 was what I was quoted by a body shop. However I believe they massage the metal (with their tools) from the exterior as well and this scratches the paintwork. I found what I believe to be a cutting compound on the paint, which is used to polish out the scratches?

Good job though @£75 can't complain.

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