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  1. G

    Have a record collection gathering dust?

    For you budding DJs out there...2 Technics turntables and Vestax mixer. Details here: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&item=160291637693 PM if you have any questions
  2. ckember

    MB standard chrome dust cap

    I have had one of the chrome tyre dust caps stolen from my tyre. They are the ones found on the W203 sport pack and most cars with the AMG wheels, small with a small nipple on the end. Does anyone know the part number for these little devils. There are many on this website...
  3. D

    Pesky Saharan dust are back again!

    We have a cooler breezy from the North East in the whole of last week, starting from yesterday, we have a change of wind direction, this time it coming from the south. Did you guys noticed that fine layer of yellow dusts started to appear after the rain stopped this morning. At 5pm this...
  4. G

    Alshains are like gold dust!

    I've spent the past week searching for a set of 17" Alshains for my C-Class Coupe, but I can't find any (at a decent price). There's one set on eBay for £575 but they say "some corrosion" on the description and I wanted new ones really. I know that they'd cost an arm and a leg from the dealer...
  5. M

    Brake pad dust

    I have an automatic E200K and the level of front brake pad dust on the alloys is huge. The car always looks dirty and it is hard to remove. I have sprayed the brake pads and discs with brake dust cleaner, air lined the whole area etc but no real difference. The back wheels are perfect. Is...
  6. D

    MBklasse bites the dust?

    It looks like MBKlasse forum has finally folded...........
  7. M

    R129 Hardtop Dust Cover

    Does anyone know if this is worth bidding for? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Mercedes-Genuine-DUST-COVER-FOR-SL-HARD-TOP_W0QQitemZ120090870860QQihZ002QQcategoryZ10398QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Can you still by them from the main dealers?
  8. mercmanuk

    Another karcher bites the dust

    my karcher seems to have developt a fault,worked fine the last time i used it ,tried it today and it pulsing on and off,then after say 10 pulses or 15 seconds it works fine for a minute then starts to pulse again.theres no kinks in the water supply hose any ideas what the fault may be!
  9. NW_Merc

    Another W202 bites the dust

    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Mercedes-240-for-Breaking_W0QQitemZ4598709874QQcategoryZ10398QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem :mad:
  10. NW_Merc

    Another C class W202 bites the dust

    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Mercedes-benz-C-class-W202-custom-modified-showcar_W0QQitemZ4595613845QQcategoryZ9855QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Whats wrong with this picture? And another thing, how is it maxed out to out perform any BMW out there I dont see anything being done or been added to the standard...
  11. shaun005

    dust caps

    hello i just joined, i have just bought my rover 75 one of the tyres needs air and i cant get the dustcap off they are a metal,i tried the others and they will not loosen is there a special way of getting them off,i tried loosen them clockwise and anticlockwise,pulling them no luck :confused:
  12. H

    Brake Dust

    Hi, The rear alloys have got specs of brake dust stuck on them (more than the front ones). They are not baked on as I can scratch them off with my nails. However, I will prob end up wearing my nails off, if I keep scratching this stuff off. Is there anything that I can use to scrub...
  13. R

    Dust Caps

    I bought some AMG Dust caps for my car a couple of months ago. All was well until this morning...I went out to my car and some SH*THEAD's stolen them :( . Can soemone tell me what is the point or value in nicking a set of dust caps!!!!. They had AMG on them and none of my neighbours have an AMG...
  14. P

    Oh B*****ks another SL bites the dust with blown Cats

    Had to pop out to do some errands this afternoon, It was nice and sunny here so I popped the roof down and went for a blast :D However I started to notice a rattling sound up the front of the car while it was sitting at the lights... I have a feeling that this is the end of my cats :( Oh well...
  15. zafarius

    Brake dust mess

    I have just started to notice that I am getting a lot of what seems to be "liquid brake dust" or brake dust mixed with water all over the front and sides of my E300. This is the first time I've seen this in 5 years. I'm not talking about just a bit of dust on the wheels but on the windscreen...
  16. marc777

    Chrome dust caps nicked......damn

    Just noticed some kind soul has relieved my new wheels of their nice chrome dustcaps. There are some d***heads out there..........
  17. Dieselman

    Dieselemans dust up

    Gave the car a bit of a clean up today with my new electric orbital buffer. I would recommend one to anyone. Easy to use and the results are great. Especially since I bought mine at Costco and it was a steal. See pics. Front of car. Rear side The business end...
  18. B

    Another one bites the dust...

    Well, as of this afternoon, I am no longer a Mercedes owner after my C280 was collected by a private buyer.:( This actually leaves me car-less for the first time in 14 years, whilst I wait about 2 weeks until my new BMW M3 is delivered. Despite my temporary defection from the brand, I hope...
  19. GrahamC230K

    Metal Dust Cap Warning

    I know that my chrome dust valve cap mod was one that you all stood back to admire................................. OK, so nobody actually knew I had them, but I DID :p No not theft for a local BMX, when I went to test my tyre pressures this morning, I found all but one to be totally...
  20. Steve_Perry

    Any recommendations to reduce brake dust?

    Any of you guys find a solution to the dreaded brake dust spoiling the looks of your alloys? I get fed up when, after spending time and effort cleaning the wheels, they look filthy again in a matter of days. Am I the only one, any tips or tricks you guys know of? Thanks, S.
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