Wondered if anyone knows how to repair fob, works fine to unlock car but car won't recognise when inserted in ignition. Other fob is ok and thin emergency one turns ignition fine so guessing its that key at fault. Any help appreciated
Hi all,
As per title Mercedes OEM key fobs - Chrome 3 Button in very good condition.
1 x E class fitment
1 x S class fitment
( fitment means the key blade in top )
Both come without keyblade but can be easily reprogrammed at any Mercedes Dealer.
Price is £35 each, via paypal is fine...
Need a key, but one without a fob. I have disabled my original alarm and wondered if i could just buy a blank key?
Any ideas?
Mercedes Blank Uncut Key | eBay
Id rather one which is just the key blade with a small grip..
I have a 2000 E220 CDI. The battery is flat, key fob or metal key wont open car so I cant lift bonnet/hood to charge battery. I dont wont to have to break window....any ideas. Thank you.
Both my batteries are running out according to my car complaining when I hit the keyless start, my question is, is the battery I need a CR2025
My second set of keys have been missing for a while now, and don't want to be left without a reserve set.
I browsed a few previous threads but just wanted to check before ringing main dealer: there's no way to do this on the cheap, right? I assume the fob has to be ordered and programmed...
Key off a C124 '95 has stopped working and apparently there are some nifty people out there that know how to repair, or at least try...
repairing broken W202 Key fob. - Mercedes-Benz Owners' Forums
Can anyone do this? or know of anyone that can?
Hopefully someone can help here.
My car key (C270 CDI 2003) has gotten very grubby so I have ordered a new Key Fob casing from eBay.
I was wondering if anyone had instruction or links to a video to help me take the current one apart and remove the inners.
Any help much appreciated
There seems to be plenty of activity on ebay regarding the sale of key fobs, I was of the understanding these couldn't be reprogrammed and the ids of the people bidding seem to be specialist key geeks. Do they know something I dont ? lets face it,wouldn't be difficult !!!!
Hi all,
I have recently bought a C270CDI, one small problem i have is the boot realease on one key fob seems not to work. The locking/Unlocking works though.
Is there a way to replace the button or take the key apart to have a look
hi guys, my battery on my key fob is kind of dying out. if i replaced the battery inside would it mean i have to reprogramme the key? or is it just simply replace it and go? :dk:
thanks in advance!
Need a new Battery fitted to one of my Key Fobs
Its a 220cdi 210 model type
Any advice on how to replace - do I need to have it replaced at Mercedes Dealership etc
Hi All
I need some advice about key fobs, I only have the emergency key for my W202 1999 C250td estate and need two new fobs, from what I've read the ignition part is maindealer only (£210), but can the central locking part be reprogramed ?
If it can what type of key fob do I need (plenty on...
Got my e55 w210 key fob but I also have a couple of the new metal ones - look identical but new ones much nicer.
Anyone done a complete transfer ? - I've tried the key in each slot and perfect fit - just need to know how to get into key so I can get to circuit boards.
Hi Guys
our key fob, broke and we lost the inner metal key as well, it works the c/l and the alarm, is it possible to replace the key ( Ie Ebay !) and have it reprogrammed away from the main dealers, we have A E240 99 :dk:
I need help with a central locking key fob for my 94/95 180c. There are loads on fleabay but i am not sure which one to get. I am not worried about being able to start the car with the key in it (as i know this will be expensive to sort). I just want to be able to unlock the car and lock it by...