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  1. brucemillar

    Just the job for those quiet Kent lanes.

    Humvee Jeep ( ex US Army). UK road registered. | eBay
  2. P

    Country lanes: summer vs all season

    Recently moved into the countryside and need to change the front 2 tyres. Which group of tyres is best for country lanes? Can get muddy with cars cutting into the verges when it's a tight squeeze with 2 cars passing each other. Most of my driving is on these type of roads plus single laned A...
  3. M

    Are some people incapable of dealing with 50mph limits in narrow lanes?

    I live in Camberley and enter the London bound M3 at J3. Due to road widening schemes its 50mph average speed checks all the way to J2 which is the M25 junction. This week and last week I have seen the recent aftermath of 2 incidents involving multiple vehicles. The one last night had all 3...
  4. B

    Bus lanes

    Am I the only one who drives in bus lanes at times they are open to normal traffic? It makes people so aggressive toward you on the road - can't they read?
  5. horgantrevor

    one way to stop parking in bike lanes use a tank

    using a tank to crush mercedes parked WATCH: Mayor of Lithuanian capital drives tank over double-parked Mercedes
  6. W

    Bike Lanes

    Amused me :) BBC News - Casey Neistat smashes blocked NY bike lanes bzE-IMaegzQ
  7. carnut

    Country Lanes!

    :) Drove to Brixham & back yesterday (400miles - 7hrs) and as is my wont,to eleviate the boredom of Motorways I set the satnav to take me across country for part of the journey ( hood down etc).Is it me getting older and less bolder but I keep meeting idoits who seem to think that they can drive...
  8. Dieselman

    Country lanes and springs.

    A couple of mornings ago I was giving it full on beans down some twisty country lanes and a short while later heard and felt a sort of Bang/Twang noise. Thought I'd better check, so jacked the car up and...... Spring from front side.. Spring from rear side.... Close...
  9. C

    Lanes Cars

    Has anyone used Lanes Cars based near Aldridge at all? Would you rate them?
  10. Flyer

    Why do taxis get to use bus lanes?

    Serious question: why do taxis get to use bus lanes? I've just spent an hour trying to get across the Runcorn Bridge*. One of the two lanes on the approach road is a bus lane. Setting aside the efficacy of this (one bus used it the whole time I was sitting there), why are taxis allowed to use...
  11. J

    Right Turns and Bus Lanes

    I was waiting to turn right across a two lane road. The inside lane being a bus-lane. The driver in the outside lane made room for me to turn - but an idiot in a car had decided to use the bus-lane at speed to undertake the line of traffic I just missed him - but who was at fault I...
  12. Plodd

    Bus Lanes.

    I hate bus lanes. Sweeping statement yes but let me explain why..... I appreciate the thinking behind bus lanes, not saying I agree with them but I understand what they are trying to do. The reason I hate them is all the blind/ignorant/illiterate/stupid or just plain incompetant drivers who...
  13. Steve_Perry

    High Occupancy Lanes?? Time to invest in an inflatable friend.

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/3864121.stm http://www.ntlworld.com/partners/itn/britain/1224493.php S.
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