Except for north of Perth where DCW is still being fought for. Legislating from London for all UK motoring has its limitations.
Sorry for just quoting you, but this one really tickled me....
Correct me if I am wrong, but did a Mr Salmond not promise this as part of his election campaign.
It's had some improvements, but not the DCW which the main route to Inverness and the North Highlands deserve. This much discussed upgrade has not happened, have you driven on the A9 recently, south of Inverness, I have, the surface is diabolical.
I do think the A9 ought to have been upgraded, but there are parts of the A1 that are single carriageway and the main road to Norwich is not motorway spec, is it even DCW, its been a long time since I have been to Norfolk?
Point is, a lot of major Uk routes need upgrading?
What do you know/feel about the A82 from Tarbert to Ardlui, its not a suitable trunk route IMHO but a fun rural road...
Quieter B-roads offer a bit more latitude - if not quite the same type of speed available to M-way users.
Quite and indeed I echo this sort of thing....indeed having fun on a well sighted A/B road where there is real driving to be had, is great.
Take the run from Aviemore, to Braemar, via Tomintoul, you can't safely break speed limits all the way, but there are very well sighted err, sections where fun can be had....
But is it not the case where motorways per mile driven are the safest roads, and rural B roads the least safe....
Not 100% on that one, but an increase in motorway speeds may not be a dangerous thing at all.