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Anyone seen any good number plates on cars lately?

LOU 15AM by someone cool enough to not mispace to read Louisa M
....or more likely someone who has already been tugged for doing just that!
Indeed, I only got that treatment when I had H1 7REV on a motorbike with the plate spaced over 2 lines. Copper took great glee in telling me I must be a Trevor (had my name on the back of my crash helmet at the time), so I congratulated his observation skills. All my plates now run with legal spacing although I’ve never been stopped in a car for hooky plates, but twice on bikes - the other was for a wildly illegal font so N7SSA looked more like Nyssa
They call them vanity plates in the US, so long as the owner knows what they think it says, that’s good enough for me
Yesterday morning my son in law found a note under his wiper. PLEASE CORRECT YOUR ILLEGAL NUMBER PLATE. He has a misplaced 4. WTF?
This one made me smile today:

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Not easy to make a '7' look like a 'U' but I'd hazard a guess that someone had a go at it on a previous car ...
Making a 7 look like a U is only worth the effort on a plate like that. My wife’s full first name is Tungalagtuya, but shortened to Tuya here in the UK. So her plate only means something to those who know her.
Making a 7 look like a U is only worth the effort on a plate like that. My wife’s full first name is Tungalagtuya, but shortened to Tuya here in the UK. So her plate only means something to those who know her.
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Where is your wife from if you don’t mind me asking.
Where is your wife from if you don’t mind me asking.
She's from the coldest capital city in the world: Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia. We met when I was working there 29 years ago - in the middle of winter!

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