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Billy's W124 Coupe Project

Bear in mind you are not comparing like with like, a VW Syncro and a W124 are completely different animals design wise. Personally, if I was doing a W124 I'd opt for poly bushes (probably with grease nipples) on the front lower wishbones at a minimum.

Well yes they are different vehicles but a bush is a bush and the job it does is the same. I dont think the polybush manufacturer did the same amount of testing their products on a W124 that Mercedes did when they designed it.
Reading up on the poly debate across the internet - everyone's got their own views it seems. Some good, some bad. Its a difficult one to judge. Most of it circles around it's application and how their cars are being used.

Only time will tell with the poly's for my application. Car is not an everyday motor but i'm inclined to drive it a bit 'hard' from time to time and wouldn't mind if the ride was subject to be a bit firmer but having said that these poly bushes are actually the equivalent of Sportline spec or there about.

I'm assured that i'll have no issues. They have been tried and tested by many from the chap who supplies these for the 124's and 201's. Putting me more at ease are that these particular bushes are recommended from those that have advised me so far on this project.

The car is almost all Poly bushed out now however during installation we've had a bit of an issue installing the bushes on the adjustable camber arms and has split trying to press them in. The fit is very tight so i'm going to have to order some spare bushes to install on the adjustable camber arms. For now normal ones are going on.
Hi Billy,

Got any recent pictures of your coupe?

Been a while since I last saw it - lovely car!

Also, who done the mechanical work on it?

Looking for someone who has a bit of know how on the w124 to service mine.


We are hoping to get Billy's car finished this week!
It's looking fantastic, so many pics to follow this weekend hopefully :D
Hi Billy,

Got any recent pictures of your coupe?

Been a while since I last saw it - lovely car!

Also, who done the mechanical work on it?

Looking for someone who has a bit of know how on the w124 to service mine.



Hi Billy, when are you going to do a paint job ?


Sorry for the crap response times! My activity on MBclub has been a bit spare to say the least of late - been really busy with work and giving Terry a Coronary!

The engine/machine rebuild work was done by Simon. (Carat 3.6) and a sterling effort indeed. I've used various guys for general work pre engine build, depends what i'm getting done really.

As for the paint job...soon to come! Got a few things to attend to first before i can do it.
This week i went about getting the exhaust sytem sorted. As i have a donor 320 coupe lying about i thought i'd take advantage by using it to fit the system talked about a few pages back.

I had to get two down pipes made to fit my standard exits as the pipes supplied with the system i bought was meant for a w124 twin turbo - which i don't have...yet. Only kidding! The other task was welding the AMG square tips to the rear box.

All pretty simple in theory so i booked myself into place who are deemed to be pretty good at what they do, so the fact i was told that the Scorpion middle box twin pipes wont clear the subframe and it will sit too low and i wont be able to fit the AMG tips on to the rear box as there won't be enough room had me confused even though i mentioned the system was a straight w124 fitment. I could understand where they were comming from re the tips (as i wanted them on the side as opposed to staight out), but the middle box??

I got there bang on at 8am on Monday morning and was pretty F%^ed off. Without naming and shaming these Monkey's i talked the process on the phone prior and to booking!

Anyway cut an already long story short phoned a local place that same morning and got it sorted. Sometimes its not always the big guns but the little not in yer face establishments that pull through. I wasn't booked in so work actually started at 2pm as there was usual customer garage work going on so had to wait a long while! We couldn't get the whole install finished with just the tips left to do so left the donor car with them overnight with the view to pick it up after work the next day.

With such a vital piece of work needing to be done the next day i had to take a day off work to ensure they get the tips where i wanted them. I can assure you 100% if i wasn't present those tips would have been in completely the wrong place!

..OK so the tips were a pain in the ass and infact the guy who was fitting the system told me it wasn't 'possible'. Billy always knows it can be done and being a being a persistant C*%t paid off albeit he was pretty annoyed at me by the end of it all!!!

The system sounds good - better than i had expected if i'm honest. It has the nice burble at start up and @ idle. The only criticism (maybe) its slightly louder than i would like when driving 'normally'. Then again i have taken out the CAT for free flow which would contribute to the noise i suppose?
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Here's some pics i took while i was there:



Had to ensure i installed the AMG rear bumper on the donor car first to make sure the tips are correctly aligned.


Tips are pretty grubby at the moment its the best i could get them by hand with a little bit of metal polish! Maybe im not trying hard enough and needs a good machine polish really. They originally came off a C36 back box.

Wasn't feeling those welds being on show from the side on the tips and as the AMG rear bumper slants upwards giving a good view of the sides it looked quite naff! The original AMG back boxes and in fact all w124 rear 320 boxes are finished in Matt black

I got some high temp black matt spray paint from Halfords and sprayed the pipes and the face for the rear box. You can just make out the pipes.




As the system is fully fitted, its a straight off job on this donor and install straight onto the other car ready to go!
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I'm looking forward to hearing how it sounds, I love that burble on Idle. The best I have ever heard was on Mazza's 190 3.2 AMG, it was just the perfect sound from a straight 6!
Where was this Billy, if you dont mind me asking?

I have an original W124 fitment AMG backbox with the square tips that needs fitting to my cabriolet..... but in addition i need a stainless sytem made up from the downpipes to the back box with the cat welded in the middle...
Where was this Billy, if you dont mind me asking?

I have an original W124 fitment AMG backbox with the square tips that needs fitting to my cabriolet..... but in addition i need a stainless sytem made up from the downpipes to the back box with the cat welded in the middle...

Place called A1 Auto in Queensbury opposite the Morrison's.
Whoa, I've driven past them a million times and never knew they did that.
Apart from the tyres that could be mistaken for a brand new car!

Better get the tyre shine out then! Those boots have less than 600 miles on em :rock: they might be comming off though as I want to put a 235/35 as opposed to 40. We'll see.

The guys have been working hard on it. Got more pics of the front end but its not quite finished yet.

This week is road testing as the week after its going to be my mode of transport to Hockenheim for the German Grand Prix.
Nice! Speedway Motor's camber arms...? Be good to know how they perform.

Amazing attention to detail - excellent work.

I am still looking for someone to work on mine - may I ask who is working on yours - mostly on the service side?


its going to be my mode of transport to Hockenheim for the German Grand Prix.

Top, top job Billy, really it's the dogs nuts. :thumb: Nearly too good to drive.

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