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Blankety Blank

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I would be quite happy to have my tv licence money back (that i am forced to pay) for the bbc left wing propaganda and box ticking stuffed down my throat.
I know you just pay your monthly and watch what you enjoy.
Leaving aside for the moment the merits or otherwise of Family Fortunes, I don't understand why Gino is the host. His mangled pronunciation of English should have precluded him as a candidate for host from even the longest list. I do wonder if the heavy Italian accent is part of his schtick, he's lived in the UK since at least 1998 when he was imprisoned for burglary aged 19.
Robbed Paul Youngs house. Thieving little turd.

It’s just up the road from me at Stirling Corner on the A1.
Les dawson was funny; Bradley Walsh is funny; Blankety Blank is junk TV, and always was, though, aimed squarely at the thicker end of the British public, and istr Family Fortunes was even worse. I won't be watching either this time either.

Anybody else fancy a pint of Auld Curmudgeon with me...
Les dawson was funny; Bradley Walsh is funny; Blankety Blank is junk TV, and always was, though, aimed squarely at the thicker end of the British public, and istr Family Fortunes was even worse. I won't be watching either this time either.

Anybody else fancy a pint of Auld Curmudgeon with me...
My round!
Les dawson was funny; Bradley Walsh is funny; Blankety Blank is junk TV, and always was, though, aimed squarely at the thicker end of the British public, and istr Family Fortunes was even worse. I won't be watching either this time either.

Anybody else fancy a pint of Auld Curmudgeon with me...
Humour is a funny thing isn’t it?

There’s been a few noses out of joint on the jokes thread where jokes have been removed as inappropriat followed by cries of ‘but jokes are subjective’!

Yet, your post above is very clearly telling us what is funny and what isn’t.

This isn’t a pop at you by the way but it did remind me to be more aware that not everyone thinks the same was as I do.
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I saw what you did there... 😀👍

I think we all post what are our own opinions in a thread of this sort. Long may it continue.
I think similar criticism was given to Larry Grayson back in the day.

I think most agree that humour is subjective and the lowest groups gain enjoyment that otherwise sensible people may turn their noses up to (Roy Chubby Brown anyone ?)

I think the real issue is the salaries paid by the BBC with our money. Commercial telly can pay whatever they like, it's their cash :)

In our family we religiously tuned into TV burp every week, make of that what you will !
I think similar criticism was given to Larry Grayson back in the day.

I think most agree that humour is subjective and the lowest groups gain enjoyment that otherwise sensible people may turn their noses up to (Roy Chubby Brown anyone ?)

I think the real issue is the salaries paid by the BBC with our money. Commercial telly can pay whatever they like, it's their cash :)

In our family we religiously tuned into TV burp every week, make of that what you will !
Not so sure about there being such a big problem with BBC salaries, I view it in the same way as charities or building societies, if you don’t pay the money you’ll not attract the right people because they can go elsewhere.
Not so sure about there being such a big problem with BBC salaries, I view it in the same way as charities or building societies, if you don’t pay the money you’ll not attract the right people because they can go elsewhere.
Market forces will generally prevail.
Not so sure about there being such a big problem with BBC salaries, I view it in the same way as charities or building societies, if you don’t pay the money you’ll not attract the right people because they can go elsewhere.

Well in TV media where else would they go? It's not as if there are that many top tier broadcasters - and in media being out of that top tier is potentially career limiting.

Arguably the salary numbers 'are what they are' because they 'are what they are'.

At present there's some big money sloshing about because of online streaming services cooking up shows. But I'm not sure that the real quality in that sector is where the big names are.

I suspect that the BBC in particular - could have broken that situation a decade to a decade anda half ago and would be better for it.
I think most agree that humour is subjective and the lowest groups gain enjoyment that otherwise sensible people may turn their noses up to (Roy Chubby Brown anyone ?)

If humour is subjective how can you possibly make that deduction?

That's ridiculous.
If humour is subjective how can you possibly make that deduction?

That's ridiculous.

No, I think Poormansporsche's statement is fair enough. Humour is subjective, and what I think we're really saying is that, generally speaking, the Great Unwashed laugh, or laugh more, at different material than those higher up the social and/or intellectual scale do.
No, I think Poormansporsche's statement is fair enough. Humour is subjective, and what I think we're really saying is that, generally speaking, the Great Unwashed laugh, or laugh more, at different material than those higher up the social and/or intellectual scale do.
Again, ridiculous.

And calling people the great unwashed because you don't like someone's humour I find a tad insulting.

What you are saying is a very upper-class opinion.
No, I think Poormansporsche's statement is fair enough. Humour is subjective, and what I think we're really saying is that, generally speaking, the Great Unwashed laugh, or laugh more, at different material than those higher up the social and/or intellectual scale do.
Sounds a tad snobbish.
Again, ridiculous.

And calling people the great unwashed because you don't like someone's humour I find a tad insulting.

What you are saying is a very upper-class opinion.
More accurately, it's not a lower-class opinion. I see the world as it is, not as one homogeneous mass; in life there are winners and losers, and we are all to some degree both. We might wish it otherwise, but it's not.
Sounds a tad snobbish.

Indeed it does, but there's more than a grain of truth in it, isn't there? As I said, I see the world as it is.

Of course, that's my subjective opinion...:)
So what I get from your posts is, that if someone likes a joke that you don't(maybe a crude one), then they are a lower class loser.

I am a working class snob. I look down on the underclass.

My nu money neighbours look down on me because I have a van and a taste for somewhat rusty youngtimer cars and have no interest in possessing the latest plate Range Rover.

I look down on them because they are entitled selfish pricks.

I don't worry about snobbery, people will be people, that's just how it is :)
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