I thought that in preparation for the installation of a charger unit I would just check out the cable, length etc.
Plugged the socket in the car and trailed cable to the charger unit position, all good.
Returned to car to remove cable and wait for electrician to arrive, not good !
I simply couldn't remove the cable. Then of course I checked the manual and it went from bad to worse. Manual said I need to press the button, which it doesn't have, on the socket and simply pull it out. It would not and could not be moved without, in my view, damaging the car.
What to do ? Answer - ring Mercedes
My phone was in my pocket and so I sat in car to look for a contact number.
I then noticed the button on the overhead display next to the " nuclear button" . It has the "i" information icon on it so I figured that my phone was connected by Bluetooth to the car so I would have nothing to lose by simply giving it a go.
Whoa ! Amazing, within seconds a voice welcomed me to Mercedes Benz service. I then saw a message on the main screen announcing that the details of my car and my location was being uploaded. Next a guy welcomes me and asks how he can help me.
I asked if I was talking to him via my phone or was there a SIM card installed in the car. Yes he said we are using the inbuilt phone system

I then told him of my problem with the charger. Within minutes he explained that the system automatically locks the plug in to the car 30 seconds after unlocking the car. He told me the remedy would be to simply exit the car, lock it and then unlock it. From the moment of unlocking the car there would be this thirty second window to remove the plug, dally for longer and it will be locked again.
It worked

I got to the plug within the time, pulled it and to my relief it came out.
So if you are like me, fiddle with things without knowing what you are doing I hope this story will be remembered.
Note the button to press is the one to the right of the nuclear one in red