Hi all,
Thanks for the help so far, here's a quick update:
My wife was driving the car today and it started acting really strangely. In Park it revs up to about 2000 and down again. In Drive if you floor it (as you would normally) the engine will actually stall. The only way to get it to move properly is on a very light throttle in which case it moves veeeeery slowly but eventually gets going properly.
I've had to bite the bullet and book it in to the local dealer in the morning

which I'm not looking forward to. Hopefully they'll be able to interrogate the management system and read the codes without presenting me with too horrific a bill.
Any ideas on what it could be or what I could check?
As the icing on the cake my wife managed to lock our 1 year old son in the car with the keys on the inside. I had to drive home from work, get the spare key fob, then get him out! What an entertaining afternoon