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C36 AMG hunting at idle - MAF?

Nope, that's where it ends!!

Wonder where it all went to.....

Any pics of what it should look like?

Maybe I should take a pic of the whole engine bay just to make sure nothing else is missing!! engine etc.....

the only pics are those in the link, its all part of the ram air intake so that the engine takes in clean cold air
Just had another look and it seems that parts 158 and 161 are the bits that are missing. Had a look at the air filter and it looks fine, doesn't seem to be letting any crud through. On my old Alfa the intake was low down and always at risk if water ingress, at least the C36 isn't at risk of that, unless north essex floods anyway;)

I'll give Autokare a call in the morning to warn them that they may need some spare parts....

Anyway, could this be causing the low rev wobbling?

Just had another look and it seems that parts 158 and 161 are the bits that are missing. Had a look at the air filter and it looks fine, doesn't seem to be letting any crud through. On my old Alfa the intake was low down and always at risk if water ingress, at least the C36 isn't at risk of that, unless north essex floods anyway;)

I'll give Autokare a call in the morning to warn them that they may need some spare parts....

Anyway, could this be causing the low rev wobbling?


No afraid not,, the chances are that the bits got left off when it was being looked at for that fault at some time
Hi, thought I'd post an update after its day out at AutoKare.

Unfortunately they couldn't get their diagnostics machine to talk to the car, so we're no further in the hunt for the wobbly idle....

Only other thing they found was that the rear window motors are kaput (which I knew) and that they would have to be replaced. As this could cost about £500 I think I'll be ignoring them for the forseeable future.

So, all in all a clean bill of health, no other issues found :D

However, I called an MB dealer to check on the costs of window motors and they confirmed what I had suspected after using the vin identification link from here - the car was made for the main dealer in Malaysia :eek:

I did think it was odd that the car was made in 98 and not registered until 2000, but the early history is missing and this explains it. I think I'll tell people it was made for the Sultan of Brunei and he traded it in for an SL55 or something :rock:

Anyway, thanks for the help, just need to sort out buying it now.
Hi all,

Thanks for the help so far, here's a quick update:

My wife was driving the car today and it started acting really strangely. In Park it revs up to about 2000 and down again. In Drive if you floor it (as you would normally) the engine will actually stall. The only way to get it to move properly is on a very light throttle in which case it moves veeeeery slowly but eventually gets going properly.

I've had to bite the bullet and book it in to the local dealer in the morning :( which I'm not looking forward to. Hopefully they'll be able to interrogate the management system and read the codes without presenting me with too horrific a bill.

Any ideas on what it could be or what I could check?

As the icing on the cake my wife managed to lock our 1 year old son in the car with the keys on the inside. I had to drive home from work, get the spare key fob, then get him out! What an entertaining afternoon :rolleyes:
Hi all,

Thanks for the help so far, here's a quick update:

My wife was driving the car today and it started acting really strangely. In Park it revs up to about 2000 and down again. In Drive if you floor it (as you would normally) the engine will actually stall. The only way to get it to move properly is on a very light throttle in which case it moves veeeeery slowly but eventually gets going properly.

I've had to bite the bullet and book it in to the local dealer in the morning :( which I'm not looking forward to. Hopefully they'll be able to interrogate the management system and read the codes without presenting me with too horrific a bill.

Any ideas on what it could be or what I could check?

As the icing on the cake my wife managed to lock our 1 year old son in the car with the keys on the inside. I had to drive home from work, get the spare key fob, then get him out! What an entertaining afternoon :rolleyes:

Oh dear.....lets hope they dont take too long to diagnose, or you are going to get a very expensive bill.

Surely there must be a decent indie in your area ?
Well I took it to AutoKare in Cambridge last week, but they couldn't get it to talk to their diagnostics, so no use really... 100 quid well spent!
Well I took it to AutoKare in Cambridge last week, but they couldn't get it to talk to their diagnostics, so no use really... 100 quid well spent!

Robbers,,, good ones down here charge £20 when they can do it

The revs going up is the hard bit, is it a vacuum fault,,I will post back
Robbers,,, good ones down here charge £20 when they can do it

The revs going up is the hard bit, is it a vacuum fault,,I will post back

And I haven't even gone to the dealer yet :eek:

Funnily enough one thing they did say they checked was all the vacuum lines, but how well......

Well I took it to AutoKare in Cambridge last week, but they couldn't get it to talk to their diagnostics, so no use really... 100 quid well spent!

£100 just for plugging it in?

Ive never been charged that much by AutoKare, did they do anything else?
£100 just for plugging it in?

Ive never been charged that much by AutoKare, did they do anything else?

Yes, I didn't mean to suggest that it was all they did. They did a general check of the car, stripped down both rear doors to check the motors, then spent ages trying to get the diagnostics to work. So about two hours work.
Well I took it to AutoKare in Cambridge last week, but they couldn't get it to talk to their diagnostics, so no use really... 100 quid well spent!

So they charged you a £100 to tell you that their diagnostics unit wouldn't talk to the ecu ??????

I'd have a few words to say about that :devil:

If I were you id be careful with taking it to a main dealer. Many of them don't really have too much experience in older models, and this applies more to the AMG models. You could possibly land up with a very expensive diagnostics bill and if they have to start taking things apart, then you are at their mercy.

There must be someone else within your area that can sort this out for you. Why don't you put up a post looking for an Indie in your area, or surrounding area ?
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So they charged you a £100 to tell you that their diagnostics unit wouldn't talk to the ecu ??????

I'd have a few words to say about that :devil:

I did query it at the time, but they did do a few more things too, still pricey though....
Well ive used them for years, im sure they maybe slightly more expensive than other places but I trust them with my car, and I trust them not to rip me off on parts etc. eg they will let you know if you have say 2000 more miles left on a part instead of replacing it asap.

Each to their own etc :)

If you happen to use them again, let us know I only live a mile or so from there & I could have a look at your new AMG :D
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Well ive used them for years, im sure they maybe slightly more expensive than other places but I trust them with my car, and I trust them not to rip me off on parts etc. eg they will let you know if you have say 2000 more miles left on a part instead of replacing it asap.

Each to their own etc :)

If you happen to use them again, let us know I only live a mile or so from their & I could have a look at your new AMG :D

Will do, then I can see yours too :D

Didn't mean to slag Autokare off, just a bit gutted about the car and scared of the impending bill....
callahan, pm me if u still need someone to look at ur car for ya
Well, first reaction from the tech at MB was that it's an air leak, so here's hoping ;)

Drive to MB was fun, people beeping horns, blocking me in, stalled it on a roundabout, almost had a bit of road rage with a bus driver. Entertaining - but not very relaxing - start to the day.

Hello again

Just got a report back from the main dealer and the problem lies with the mass airflow sensor - this is the MAF isn't it?

And guess what, after discount it's only £482 fitted!!!

I seem to remember reading on here about a Bosch part that is slightly cheaper (£262 from MB) can anyone confirm this?

Many thanks again :)
Hello again

Just got a report back from the main dealer and the problem lies with the mass airflow sensor - this is the MAF isn't it?

And guess what, after discount it's only £482 fitted!!!

I seem to remember reading on here about a Bosch part that is slightly cheaper (£262 from MB) can anyone confirm this?

Many thanks again :)

Its £150 from Bosch for the MB part.

And I said MAF in post 7 15 mins to fit max

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