Steve was trying to give you some genuine advice Win. You have £32k, the seller is looking for £41k. That is a vast difference that no seller will come down to if he is in no hurry to sell.
The 507 is a desired model as you know, and will probably sell very close to his aski
lol my nosey friends i have not made a offer of any kind what so ever. i am sure the car is worth 50,000 plus to someone. All I WROTE WAS I AM LOOKING TO BUY A 507 AT BETTER THAN TRADE IN PRICE !! THE 32K CAME ABOUT BECAUSE I WAS MAKING A JOKE !! PLEASE LOOK BACK OVER THE PAGES AND TRY AND UNDERSTAND..... Now i have cash if someone needs to sell or wants too please get in touch. i wish you all the very best of luck when you come to sell. I just give you a choice nothing more nothing less
kind regards WIN