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car body damage from main dealer

amg hammer

Active Member
May 28, 2013
mercedes c63 amg
hi all was doing my usual check over the body work this morning and noticed scuffed bumper in two places scratched head lamp which has been pushed back half inch compared to nearside and a big gap between bonnet and wing so went back to Dartford dealers and said about this they came out and looked and said they will check cctv ??? I kick my self now because when it went in for its health check Monday I should have got somebody outside to check before it went into the work shop basically its my word against theres :mad: any thoughts or ideas on this guys thanks
oh and that damage wasn't on the car when I bought it in I clean the car my self so would have seen
Main dealers usually go over any car that is booked in, and mark any scratches / dents on a form before it goes into the workshop. More than anything, they do this to protect themselves. Ask them for a copy of the book-in form?
thanks mark I will ask for that ... wouldn't they have gone round the car with me before hand though because they didn't ???
Sadly think you are relying on them being honest, hope they come clean.

Dealer damaged my alloy replacing a tyre. I was on the phone within 10 mins of getting it home and left them in no doubt I was holding them responsible but thinking about it if they didn't agree to sort I'd be left high and dry on that.

Shouldn't have to but in future when mine goes in anywhere I'm going to film the car beforehand and make a point of letting them know. They'll undoubtedly think I'm a crank but I don't care if it saves me all the faffing of getting sorted afterwards.

That's not meant to come across as patronising I didn't even think to check the car upon collection as I suspect like you I'm trusting that people would just let on.

Good luck.
If I wasn't so fussy with my car maybe it wouldn't matter so much .....but I like to take care of my cars always have oooooh it a lovely world we live in!!
This is what scares me when I have will have to take the car in for its first service so I am going to go round the car and show that nothing is on any part
As said, the dealer should have checked it in and out for any damage. However, sometimes things are done a bit quick. I had a BMW coupe that was returned with a 5" scrape/dent across passenger door/rear quarter. I didn't check at the time but after driving off stopped at a petrol station to check the car over. I was fuming and was back within seconds. They accepted - it's easy to tell fresh damage and the booking in sheet stated no damage. But that's when the trouble started...they wanted to repair it themselves (I had a quote from a local dealer quoting £3k!). I let them do the repair on my one year old car and it was done very shoddy; paint mismatch, trim flying off on motorway, poorly closing window (frameless doors), masking tape left on etc. After weeks of complaining they repainted the whole side and put new window and door trims on. Time to name and shame....BMW Berry Heathrow.
Same thing happened to me with STAR in Moorends, I know every inch of my car and it came back with a good scratch. (Zip off the overalls or a tool in his pocket!).

To make matters worse they never got in touch to even talk about it, despite saying they would.

So thanks a lot STAR of Moorends.
I helped a chap out at the weekend who had a nightmare with mercedes benz world. Car had been put in for a service with them as they are the "flagship" dealer. Gave the customer the bill and said oh it has got marked in the workshop went out to view it and a large dent in the wing and scratches top and bottom. They sent the car to brentford as they don't have a bodyshop at mbworld and I went to check it over with the customer, one it didn't match the rest of the car colour was designo mocha so hard to match but it's there problem. Wet sanding marks still in the wing aswell. There lack of care was clearly evident, they even argued about giving him a courtesy car whilst his was in for paint.

In your case mate I can't see them owning up or admitting anything.Im only down the road from mercedes Dartford and have had to rectify some issues from there in the past.
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Had similar on my c63, went in for diff oil change, only one hour but didn't check car before or after or not at least until I arrived at work about 40 mins later. My wheel and tyre were damaged/kerbed - called the dealer and they were brilliant about it tbh, no dispute and i got a new wheel and tyre.
yep ya right nimbus ! im getting a quote for the work god knows how much or how long it will take I mean looking at it it don't look bad at all but they will make there money from me I know it. well that's 6 mths ownership of c63 love the car the dealers well !!!! couldn't give a toss comes to mind!!
thanks mark I will ask for that ... wouldn't they have gone round the car with me before hand though because they didn't ???

MB Temple Fortune did check my C-Class but not in my presence.

Kia dealer on the other hand checked my Kia Soul with me.

So I suppose it varies.
Had similar on my c63, went in for diff oil change, only one hour but didn't check car before or after or not at least until I arrived at work about 40 mins later. My wheel and tyre were damaged/kerbed - called the dealer and they were brilliant about it tbh, no dispute and i got a new wheel and tyre.

Some years ago I had a Vauxhall Omega returned by main Vauxhall dealer (Curry Motors) after service with one new Michelin tyre (that matched the other 3 neweesh Michelins).

I never did get an explanation, but I just assumed they somehow damaged the tyre and then replaced it with new without mentioning anything. Which is OK with me.

So not all dealers are dishonest....
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Main dealers usually go over any car that is booked in, and mark any scratches / dents on a form before it goes into the workshop. More than anything, they do this to protect themselves. Ask them for a copy of the book-in form?

Brooklands checks are useless. They didn't notice that car is damaged when it went for service. I discovered it 2 months later on hand car wash. Someone damaged my grill and "fixed it" so it wasn't visible straight away. Dealer should notice it during checks and while washing the car. I checked photo archive and established that car was damaged a few weeks before service.

New star on a grill and labour 200GBP.
Main dealers usually go over any car that is booked in, and mark any scratches / dents on a form before it goes into the workshop. More than anything, they do this to protect themselves. Ask them for a copy of the book-in form?

This is standard procedure as you say but unless you witness the inspection see the form and sign it as a true representation , it means nothing because otherwise another falsified one could easily be cooked up " post event" and the original destroyed. It protects the dealer but not the customer :dk: The bottom line is any damage sustained in their workshop is going to cost their revenue from any service/repair and possible more. The probability is economic pressures, the possibility of internal staff disciplinary procedures and the cost of any decent repair are likely to dictate their initial response to such an event.:(
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