There is no doubt in my mind that one of the greatest motoring pleasures is the wolf in sheep's clothing. You remind me of an old Riley 1.5 I had in the late sixties, which friends and I tuned up to go like stink. Huge fun. Then the Cortina GT came out and boy did that go! Made our efforts look nothing.
No, no, no! It wasn't a wolf in sheep's clothing. It was a bloody menace to society with two lads that didn't know what fear was at the wheel. Think of it as a circus tyranossaurus kept by two fools. For you to have an idea: the chassis was so old and rusty that in the first week it broke and when floored, the front beams would spread apart and at least one half-shaft would get loose. Solution: as one would pull it up by the wheel arch, the other would kick the wheel hard enough to realign everything! This happend about everytime we picked on some poor sod proud of his escort, golf or astra, stroling his girfriend on a sunny saturday afternoon.