Greg Hi
Sybil is in the body shop tomorrow for boot, bonnet and wheel arch work. Your kind offer to help with "detailing" is about to be taken up once she reappears!
Well my detailing weekend went out of the window, major panic at work so been working all weekend and fly to Canada 5 am in the morning. Hopefully the weather will hold for next Saturday so I can get stuck in
Attacked the bonnet with my DA plus green Hexlogic pad and Meg's Ultimate Compound. Killed the holograms but still have swirls. Just not confident enough on how far to work the paste, how much to use.
work the compound until it goes clear and like oil this is when it has fully been worked its a diminishing compound so will continue to clean until it gets to the oily state. I have the same problem as you i still have swirls in mine after using ultimate compound I am going to the next level which is megs 105 and 205 but i am trying to decide what wax to use on the top. megs ultimate wax. colinite 845, fk1000 or something else
I don't think you necessarily have to/want to get rid of them all. I did the X5 this weekend. I mostly used ultimate compound to cut with cutting pads as I was very low on 105 and only Halfords was open so had to buy ultimate. However I did use 105 on the bonnet and to remove particularly bad scratches. It was working well as the scratches were either removed or much less obvious. However, despite spending a lot longer on the bonnet there are still some swirls. After using 105 I then used 205 followed by wax (Bilt Hamber Autobalm as it was what I had around). Two days work!
As my earlier post I cant get on with megs 105 and 205 been using poorboys 2.5. and SSR1 on my other cars with great results but think going to stick with menzerna FG400 on the MB
I steam cleaned the interior today and used dilute Surfex HD where required. It's come up like new. I love that stuff, it's probably my favourite product.