Next, well be having a question about how do you iron your car after a pre-wash, soak, two bucket wash, gentle dry and applying conditioner (oops, sorry, meant wax).
Do you iron before or after conditioning, should you iron while still damp?
Snow foam is actually very good and as others have noted is different from your normal car shampoo.
It works very well to remove excess dirt before a proper car shampoo. If your car is properly waxed then you might even get away with just a snowfoam.
I don't tend to iron my cars but as dieselman obviously has ironing on his mind - could I recommend a Laurastar S7 for Dieselman or Mrs Dieselman. Excellent integrated steam ironing system that produces excellent results.
If a car is clayed and waxed, a simple wash will remove all dirt in minutes. Re wax every 6 weeks. Re wash, clay etc as well as wax every 6 to 12 months.
If a car is clayed and waxed, a simple wash will remove all dirt in minutes. Re wax every 6 weeks. Re wash, clay etc as well as wax every 6 to 12 months.