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Familiar E55 W211 Moved to New Home Further North

Not much to report folks, had a family wedding and other bits and bobs to do.

Got the flange sealant delivered so put the diff. end back on.

Also been flatting areas off when I have had an hour or two to spare here and there, it's a long process of doing it little sections at a time.
Got some shiny new seals (A2309970346) today to install before refilling the differential.


Strangely, although they show as the correct part on EPC they appear to be 5mm or so too big.
Seems new parts I've got are 47x107.3mm but the original parts are 45x102.3mm so it is 5mm too big.

Just as well i didn't get the big hammer out, will have to order some more new ones now.
Stuck the Secondary Air Pump and the Airmatic Compressor back in today.

New rubber mounts on the Air Pump bracket and stainless steel flange nuts to replace the standard steel ones.


Now some folks may say why have you moved from the back to the front.
The reality is if I don't put bits back on I may have ended up taking the whole front end completely to bits like the back. ;)

The painting finish underneath is also under review again, was going to be brushed on POR.
Looking like it will now be a rust treatment on the rusty parts then spraying an undercoat and Mercedes silver sprayed on.
Think this will look a lot better than the POR painted and I don't really need the POR everywhere as there is only small bits of rust that can be treated.
Phew !!!!!! Just read through this build from start to finish, the quality of thought, commitment, financial investment, skill and determination are just mind boggling.

I salute you sir (from a erstwhile Hillman Imp Sport owner).
Thanks, not getting as much (as quick) done as I'd like but that's always the way. ;)
outstanding job so far, keep it up and keep the updates regular :)
I can't believe how long it's been since I've worked on this.

In fairness though I've had work, holidays, family things and an impending full factory move to deal with so been a bit busy with one thing or another.

Going to get back onto this over the next days as I will have even more to do with work things come April so would like to get this out the way.
Time to get a move on.

Got the oil for the diff. delivered today.

Our factory is almost cleared for builders coming in 17th June.

Going to be a lot of activity with the car over the next 2 weeks as I need it off the ramp and gone before the builders come in. ;)
Good bit of work done today.

Got the rear end treated with POR 15 where there was any sign of rust, keyed the rest of the underside then applied an etch primer and a colour coat on top of this.


Looking quite nice, just needs a top coat on top of this now to finish the underside at the rear.

Also got the rose bushes fitted to the rear arms so I can start getting the suspension back together.
Impressive work there. It makes a difference when you have access to the proper equipment.

Regarding the “Strip & Clean” pads I use pads of a similar material which I get from my son who works in the aero industry ( all above board ). I think they are a 3m product and are used to blend the turbine blades. They are discarded after a short use but are still extremely good for removing rust and polishing up metal surfaces and even blending off casting edges on hubs etc.
The pads fit onto an arbor with a quick twist grip so can be changed in seconds.
Amazing!! When its finished dont take it near Brooklands. They will want it for their museum.
Regarding the “Strip & Clean” pads I use pads of a similar material which I get from my son who works in the aero industry ( all above board ). I think they are a 3m product and are used to blend the turbine blades. They are discarded after a short use but are still extremely good for removing rust and polishing up metal surfaces and even blending off casting edges on hubs etc.
The pads fit onto an arbor with a quick twist grip so can be changed in seconds.

Sounds like flap discs, we use these to grind welds flat and if used lightly can be use to clean up bits and pieces.
Bit more done today but no pictures as was in a rush to get home.

Clear coated underneath, cleaned and painted driveshafts, cleaned and painted the torsion bar, drop links and the headlight level sensor bracket.
Tank back in tonight. ^

Also decided to do the inside edge of the arches just to freshen these up,
Great resto and the work is very impressive. Can’t wait to see more.

Has @Alps been in touch yet to buy it back or is he waiting till it’s finished? ;-)

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