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Fat Bint on Horse Slags off my pet welfare decisions......

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Can someone tell me approximately what time the argument will start here?

Oh, wait a sec....
Fat shaming?......really?......if you are fat and are too lazy greedy to do anything about it and are quite happy to put all that extra load on your heart and joints than you should equally be happy to put up with someone stating a pure and simple fact.....YOU ARE FAT! Lets face it if they get upset about it they are not likely to catch you to be able to do anything about it!!

Side note.....I also think that carrying a dog that's perfectly able to walk is silly....but of course if the dog is scared or poorly that's very different.......half the dogs being carried are as fat as their often fat owners!!! LOL!

Seriously dude, not every fat person is lazy and greedy - you have no idea if she is fat because she ate all the pies or fat because she has a thyroid condition for example. It's not necessarily her choice and that should not be assumed. Even if you are just fat because you like eating pies and don't care about the associated health risks that is no reason for somebody to judge you, it's your choice which should be respected.

I'm a polyamourous ethically non-monagmous bisexual cross dressing swinger - you going to judge me on my choices?

The type of person who is willing to go mouthing off at total strangers is highly unlikely to be going home to self harm afterwards.

She didn't mouth off at a starnger, she was talking to her friend. That statement is incorrect anyway, plenty of people have a lot of front and seem perfectly fine but the slightest thing going wrong for them can lead them down a dark spiral. I've had several bouts of depression in my life and I'm speaking from experience.


She made the comment to her friend knowing that the OP would hear it, so its directed at him. Far too many people do not have the courage of their convictions. Going back to your earlier post. How would she have felt if he had said nothing & gone home & cut his wrists. Its not all one sided

It may have been done deliberately, she may just have a loud voice or said it louder than she intended. It's not a fact you can assume and a direct attack on her size was the wrong choice in any circumstance as far as I'm concerned.

At the end of the day all I'm saying is this - just because somebody calls you an idiot is no cause to lay into them for being bigger or for any other attribute you disagree with. People are entitled to their choice of lifestyle and should not be judged on it. Even if it seems like they're judging you, retaliation in the same vein is the wrong way to go - take the higher ground. A little restraint and intelligent argument, or simply ignoring them and going about your business, was all that was required here.
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I was the one that was there and the comment was directed and made for me to hear, of that I'm 100% certain.

I also think people who carry you dog breeds in handbags are idiots but would never dream of bringing them up on it. My opinions are perfectly happy in my own brain.


I welcome all differing opinions on this incident but there is only one opinion that actually counts to me.

Mrs PMP, I don't like her much but respect her opinions on weight based issues.

Mrs PMP is by her own admission fat.

She eats bugger all, exercises regularly, has a active lifestyle and is still plump. She doesn't like it but it doesn't rule her life she has more important things to worry about.

She keeps any fat based prejudices I may or may not have in check and has brought me to task if ever I overstep the mark.


I find out after the incident that she has had a couple of run ins with this woman whilst driving her car. Apparently Mrs PMP is not the only one either all the neighbours know of her (I'm pretty antisocial so wasn't aware)

So completely out of character for her, her opinion was that she deserved all she gets and it's only a matter of time before someone gives her a kicking !

I find out after the incident that she has had a couple of run ins with this woman whilst driving her car. Apparently Mrs PMP is not the only one either all the neighbours know of her (I'm pretty antisocial so wasn't aware)

So completely out of character for her her opinion was that she deserved all she gets and it's only a matter of time before someone gives her a kicking !

I'm not disagreeing, I have several neighbours the same. Doesn't mean though that you have to be the one to give her a kicking. You may be an intelligent person but I'm afraid you didn't show much in this situation, you just sank to her level.

I firmly believe in Fate, and I don't react when my neighbours are dicks - my life is much more peaceful as a result and I've heard plenty of things on the grapevine that show that these people get their just desserts without anyone having to do anything. Bad things happen to bad people, you just have to sit back and watch.
It may not have been clear but when I said I saw red and did the "poking" I was not actually aggressive in slightest, I was actually quite calm but others can describe aggression however they like. Looking back I do not regret what I did , I could quite easily done a lot worse. If other people want turn turn the other cheek that is their prerogative.

As a side note, we have very many horses trotting up and down my road and generally there are no issues whatsoever, most of the riders are friendly and cars generally slow down and give a wide berth apart from the odd entitled mercedes driving pricks :)
It may not have been clear but when I said I saw red and did the "poking" I was not actually aggressive in slightest, I was actually quite calm but others can describe aggression however they like. Looking back I do not regret what I did , I could quite easily done a lot worse. If other people want turn turn the other cheek that is their prerogative.

Again not saying you should have turned the other cheek, that's entirely up to you. But it would have been much satisfying to put her right and leave her without an argument rather than attacking her for something unrelated.
In my opinion it is related. Kettles and pots. She voiced her ill informed opinion about animal welfare and I voiced a similar ill informed opinion. Doesn't mean I was wrong though, if I had the choice of carrying 10 stone on my back or 20 stone I know what I'd choose. As to whether this makes any difference to a horse who knows but I've never seen a 20 stone jockey or Eventer !

Ok I could have put the point across better with ironic sarcasm but on the day didn't work out like that.
If this happened in America, you would have shot the horse and put it out of its misery 😇
I'm enjoying this thread apart for one thing.


I'd like to eat some popcorn while reading the comments, but it might make me fat...
Tell us more, we could all do with hearing something positive, no matter how minor :)
Nothing spectacular 👍

Walked woofer, he, as usual ran at full speed toward the river and scattered the resident Duck population 😂.

Back for bacon rolls and coffee then out later to lunch at a country pub 👍👍
So before the inevitable slating of me begins just to clarify the background.

I have 2 Irish former Racing Greyhounds that both had a pretty £hitty start to life.

Secondly Greyhounds have exceptionally thin skin that not only makes them more prone to suffering from low temperatures but their skin is very easy to damage (Google Greyhound skin tears, it's not nice) Hence the reason why most Greyhounds you see wear coats even in the summer.

So now you are aware of my facts let us continue..........

So innocently walking the hounds minding my own business. 2 Horses and riders go past. The fat cow rider (the relevance of the fat bit will be revealed soon before all the fat wokes start chipping in) shouts loudly to her mate (definitely so I could hear) "I bloody hate it when idiot owners mollycoddle their dogs and force them to wear coats, it's just not natural for them"

I am a big boy but the one thing you do not do is question how I look after my dogs. Something just went pop in my brain. So I walked up and poked her in her blobby leg and said why don't you mind your own business, commenting about things you know sod all about. I'm entitled to my fcking opinions she replied. So I replied well you obviously know f£ck all about animal welfare as otherwise you would not be inflicting that poor horse with your fat body, look at it poor thing it's knackered. Fck off she replied so I wobbled her leg and said you done well actually getting on the horse, some form of crane ? To which she burst into tears and trotted off.

Fast forward a few days and whilst walking the dogs again a car screeches up beside me and a weasley bloke jumps out and starts ranting at me for upsetting his wife. So after a few choice words and some pushing and shoving and the dogs getting somewhat upset (they are not aggressive in the slightest) off he went. Funnily enough not seen her down my road since.

Let the slating commence :)

I would have just said "I bet that's not the first time you've had 16 hands between your legs" and walked on.
Nothing spectacular 👍

Walked woofer, he, as usual ran at full speed toward the river and scattered the resident Duck population 😂.

Back for bacon rolls and coffee then out later to lunch at a country pub 👍👍

Nice one 👍

(I wouldn't say woofter though, they will come for you next........) :)
So I replied well you obviously know f£ck all about animal welfare as otherwise you would not be inflicting that poor horse with your fat body, look at it poor thing it's knackered.

Funny story. We used to have a miniature Shetland pony (a tiny thing) as company for our Icelandic horse. Somebody gave us a little saddle, and my son used to ride it (being led along) when he was 3 or 4. We were out with the two of them one day and stopped to cross a busy A road. I'd been riding the horse, but got off so my wife could lead him and our son across. I stayed on my own with the Shetland waiting for a gap in the traffic, and got a few horrified looks from drivers going past before I twigged that I was in full riding gear (helmet/boots/hi-viz/whip etc.) and holding a Shetland with a saddle on it that barely came up to my waist :D

Bracken 02.jpg

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