Hmmm - just had renewal notice from Aviva
SLK - SWMBO & myself as drivers, full protected NCD
L200 - Self & SWMBO as drivers, full protected NCD
Volvo C30 - number 2 son (23 yr old), SWMBO & self as drivers, 5yr protected NCD
Total premium £989 after multi car discount & renew on line discount.
We know we are paying a bit over the top for the SLK, however my L200 is way cheaper than other quotes I've had in the past. Previously we have had the multi car policy as it has helped sons with their premiums.
This year number 1 son has a company car and number 2 son says he can get his insurance a bit cheaper elsewhere. Turned out that the best he could get in the end was a saving of £5 to £6 although the other quote did guarantee a courtesy car.
So I phone Aviva and ask if there is a chance of a reduction as we think we can get 2 of the vehicles cheaper elsewhere. Get put on hold then told that they will reduce quote to £878. I ask if I then need to take the policy out on line to get a further £20 off. Again put on hold, then told I can have the £20 off by paying there & then.
So £131 off what was already off a reasonable price
Aviva get the business.