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How much do you spend on gas each day?

Currently here it's gloomy dark, blowing a hoolie and raining pissistently. I'm blooming fed up with it and, to add insult to injury, next Thursday is the blooming Summer blooming Solstice - it's all downhill to blooming Christmas from there. In fact I'm sure someone we know on here can consult his Festive Countdown-ometer and let us know exactly how far away it is.
194 days
There’s a 15 minute dry spell coming up three weeks next Tuesday. Don’t miss it, or else you’ll have to wait until 22 August.
Bugger, can't do then as that's the first day they can fit me in for a doctor's appointment....... 🤣🤣
I moved house a couple of weeks ago and the amount I’m spending on gas has really surprised me. Each 24-hour period is costing £18 to have the heating on 21-degrees for just 3 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the evening, and to heat the water cylinder for just 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening.

Since prices shot up earlier in the year we have barely used any gas in our previous home as it was Spring/Summer, and so I don’t have anything to compare to. I’m left wondering whether it’s the new house, the increased cost of gas or maybe something not right with the meter or billing!

If it’s costing £550 per month now whilst the temperatures are still relatively mild, and heating only for 6 hours per day, then I shudder to think of the potential cost when temperatures fall and the heating is on for much longer each day. In the old house, the heating was on 24x7, those days are gone!

I know every situation is different, but I would be interested to hear how it compares to other peoples experience even if not directly comparable.
My gas bill is £68 a month , and that includes my gas cooker as well as hot water and heating .
He’s lazy, he just throws me a pair of navy blue short shorts every day, he’ll have no idea where my winter coat is! 😀
Then get the butler to have a word with him! Jeez, do I have to do all your staff management for you...... 🙄🤣

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