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How much do you spend on gas each day?

Imagine how cold it'd be if it wasn't for global warming!!!

(Yes I know it's not called global warming anymore, it's climate change, but I made the comment to be humourous rather than factual!)
It’s mid-June and I’m contemplating putting the heating on - it’s blooming 12 deg C in our living room. I can’t believe how cold it is.

Likewise, has to be one of the most rubbish years so far weather wise considering it’s mid June? Other than the odd one or two days of sunshine the weather has been terrible! :doh:

Not looking forward to coming back to the UK next week.. 40c here and loving life. 😭
Currently here it's gloomy dark, blowing a hoolie and raining pissistently. I'm blooming fed up with it and, to add insult to injury, next Thursday is the blooming Summer blooming Solstice - it's all downhill to blooming Christmas from there. In fact I'm sure someone we know on here can consult his Festive Countdown-ometer and let us know exactly how far away it is.

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