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How much do you spend on gas each day?

Here’s the plant room, the pipes seem reasonably well insulated.

When the heating is on I’ll see if I can work out where the heat is coming from.

View attachment 133809
The pumps will kick out some heat (and maybe a bit from the two expansion vessels as well ?).
I doubt you will be able to stop heat loss from all the kit in there , but can you “duct” that heat into the house ?
Here’s the plant room, the pipes seem reasonably well insulated.

When the heating is on I’ll see if I can work out where the heat is coming from.

View attachment 133809
That’s really nice and tidy.

Calling it a plant room is a bit Surrey though 🤣🤣

ps, I think there might be a couple of no-no’s there. I’ll let you I know.
The other thing I thought of doing is drilling a line of small holes near the top edge within the room and injecting expanding foam but I chickened out of the idea in case the foam pushed the plaster board off the wall.

I've certainly read of people using that method. And noted they said not to go mad squirting it in!
Here’s the plant room, the pipes seem reasonably well insulated.

Looks similar ours except we have the boiler above the cylinder and the heating pump and expansion vessel are within the boiler.

Only the hot and cold water system pipes are insulated in ours - apparently because the regs say they have to be insulated against freezing. It's assumed the boiler flow and return will be protected by the frost 'stat firing the boiler. But even with those bare pipes there's still not much heat within the cupboard, and there's no obvious cold draughts coming in (one side is formed by an outside wall).
That’s really nice and tidy.

Calling it a plant room is a bit Surrey though 🤣🤣

ps, I think there might be a couple of no-no’s there. I’ll let you I know.
That’s what the estate agent called it. Airing cupboard didn’t seem right either. It’s where the controls units live for other stuff like security, ventilation system, etc.

Your thoughts would be appreciated 👍🏻
Product nameExclusive Energy Oct 2023v3
Product typeFixed
Product end date31 October 2023
Rate (including VAT)
Any time25.59p per kWh
Standing charge22.40p per day

Product nameExclusive Energy Oct 2023v3
Product typeFixed
Product end date31 October 2023
Rate (including VAT)
Any time5.31p per kWh
Standing charge24.75p per day
Those are brilliant prices - well done for getting on those tarrifs!
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For both gas and electric my last 3 months payments were £85 , £115 and £157 . The last being when it shot up in price , so £223 with the £66 from the Tories .

At night we wear one of these and share pop corn.


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Maybe a useful point of reference: a senior colleague has a large house with indoor swimming pool and has just seen the gas bill top well over £1000 a month under the new price cap.
We pay £81.43/month on a fixed contract till October 2023 for gas and sparks, Currently about £85 in credit.
2 bed bungalow in windy Lincs. Combi boiler Gas hob leccy oven. We do not heat the bedrooms, keep doors closed and switch off lights etc when not needed. All standby appliances switched off overnight.
If I include the £66 support fom the Tories, I am currently paying £15.43/ month for gas and sparks.
Maybe a useful point of reference: a senior colleague has a large house with indoor swimming pool and has just seen the gas bill top well over £1000 a month under the new price cap.
The engineer is here to replace the meters. He’s baffled as to why it’s costing so much. Let’s see if it changes with the new meters installed - long shot but you never know.

He’s well into his cars too so we’ve just had a good chat. Incredible how a lump of metal, glass, plastic and rubber can bring people together in the way that it does.
The engineer is here to replace the meters. He’s baffled as to why it’s costing so much. Let’s see if it changes with the new meters installed - long shot but you never know.

He’s well into his cars too so we’ve just had a good chat. Incredible how a lump of metal, glass, plastic and rubber can bring people together in the way that it does.
You may be surprised! In Barbados, I was paying over $100 a month for water. When they changed the meter, it went down to $25. Meters sometimes fail, my gas meter here failed to register any usage whatsoever, which resulted in an interesting conversation with BG!
It's frustrating to know that given properly built houses we could use very little energy.

For existing housing stock it feels hopeless to insulate them to a high standard. I stressed it to our architect and the boss of the builders who did our extension and refurb but the guys actually doing the work just don't get it.

We had our roof replaced as part of the job and I was battling with five roofers and two joiners to get insulation into the eaves (only accessible with the roof off) properly while they were just anxious to get the membrane on so it was water tight. It's also become appararent that where dot+dab plasterboard was used the builders haven't sealed the edges - drill a hole in it and a gale force wind comes out. There's a phenomenon called 'the plasterboard tent' and I'm living in one.

I know it's still highly debatable whether solar panels and battery storage are worth it now and I'd dismissed them for our house as the roof surfaces face due east and west. However our 'lean to' extension is due south and I'm annoyed I didn't think of integrating panels into it (and the architect didn't suggest them either). Stuff like this should be almost mandatory unless there's a good reason not to fit them.
East west Solar may actually be a better solution than S. You’ll get power for longer in the day. The peak will be lower but quite often you can’t use all the power at peak anyway. You just need to have two inputs to the inverter to separate the east from west -common.
If I include the £66 support fom the Tories, I am currently paying £15.43/ month for gas and sparks.
Enjoy while it lasts , my fixed tariff ran out just in time for the ky jelly to arrive off eBay. 👍
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