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How much do you spend on gas each day?

The wood we use comes from our own trees ... I'd have to burn it in bonfires otherwise, which would presumably be just as bad and would waste all the heat produced!
But wood is so expensive that it would probably be more expensive to heat the house on it that using the gas!!. Unless you scavenge (read steal) it yourself.....but all fallen wood belongs to someone.
Wood is also pretty awkward to transport / store / handle. I have a tractor & trailer and an unused barn though :) And two chainsaws, and a hydraulic log splitter :D
Wood is also pretty awkward to transport / store / handle. I have a tractor & trailer and an unused barn though :) And two chainsaws, and a hydraulic log splitter :D
I use a holtec at work. Now that's a chainsaw 👍
But wood is so expensive that it would probably be more expensive to heat the house on it that using the gas!!. Unless you scavenge (read steal) it yourself.....but all fallen wood belongs to someone.
My usage is about £480 delivered , dried hardwood . 4 cubic metres . Works out at 4 hours burn time from November to March which is all the evening heat sorted .
I have a fire every evening since the log burner was fitted (20 years)
Previous to buying some wood last couple of years I have used neighbours downed trees and/or roof extensions wood for free . So about 17 years at no cost to me . :)
I lived in a house for 30 years that was just heated by logs....a Rayburn (which also heated the water) in the kitchen and an open fire in the lounge. Because of that it has no appeal at all!! The romance of it far outweighs the reality. Splitting logs, lighting fire....bloody ash everywhere, house always dusty, chimneys need to be swept...not cheap now.... only warm in those two rooms freezing in the others (no central heating in the cottage...no gas mains either!) and to top it all most of the heat goes straight up and out of the chimney..... I'll pass and stick to gas powered radiators thanks. It "only" £150 per month for gas and electric and I'm over £700 in credit.
I don't think I could have an open fire where I live, at least not log powered, as its a smokeless zone so smoke free fuels only.....like Phurnacite or similar...more expense!
I lived in a house for 30 years that was just heated by logs....a Rayburn (which also heated the water) in the kitchen and an open fire in the lounge. Because of that it has no appeal at all!! The romance of it far outweighs the reality. Splitting logs, lighting fire....bloody ash everywhere, house always dusty, chimneys need to be swept...not cheap now.... only warm in those two rooms freezing in the others (no central heating in the cottage...no gas mains either!) and to top it all most of the heat goes straight up and out of the chimney..... I'll pass and stick to gas powered radiators thanks. It "only" £150 per month for gas and electric and I'm over £700 in credit.
I don't think I could have an open fire where I live, at least not log powered, as its a smokeless zone so smoke free fuels only.....like Phurnacite or similar...more expense!

£150 a month . ?? Is that with a Tories deduction of £66
Nope........not sure I've even had that. If I have its just added to the credit. Just over a year ago I was paying sub £100 (OVO energy). Don't forget I live in sub-tropic West Sussex(!) and pretty much right on the beach. I only have to scrape ice off my screen perhaps 10 times a year in a normal winter......the sea keeps us warmer.....sometimes the streets a hundred yards inland are scraping cars when I'm not..Also the South (sea) facing side of my house is perhaps 80% glass....so the slightest brightness sends the house temp well up.....often only gets down to the 18c (it was 19c....she's not noticed yet!!!) required to trip the heating at 9 or so in the evening. Cloudy days are rather different of course.
Nope........not sure I've even had that. If I have its just added to the credit. Just over a year ago I was paying sub £100 (OVO energy). Don't forget I live in sub-tropic West Sussex(!) and pretty much right on the beach. I only have to scrape ice off my screen perhaps 10 times a year in a normal winter......the sea keeps us warmer.....sometimes the streets a hundred yards inland are scraping cars when I'm not..Also the South (sea) facing side of my house is perhaps 80% glass....so the slightest brightness sends the house temp well up.....often only gets down to the 18c (it was 19c....she's not noticed yet!!!) required to trip the heating at 9 or so in the evening. Cloudy days are rather different of course.

Ideal. I'm also on the coast ,but just down from bonny Scotland . Where it's cold ALOT !!!
I lived in a house for 30 years that was just heated by logs....a Rayburn (which also heated the water) in the kitchen and an open fire in the lounge. Because of that it has no appeal at all!! The romance of it far outweighs the reality. Splitting logs, lighting fire....bloody ash everywhere, house always dusty, chimneys need to be swept...not cheap now.... only warm in those two rooms freezing in the others (no central heating in the cottage...no gas mains either!) and to top it all most of the heat goes straight up and out of the chimney..... I'll pass and stick to gas powered radiators thanks.

My grandparents had a solid fuel Aga and open fires. But a modern log burner is a lot more efficient (and less dusty) than an open fire. We have a Rayburn in the kitchen (which provides the hot water), although it's a gas one. Yesterday we had no power (planned maintenance work somewhere), so the log burner was the only heating we had. Chimney sweep (including safety check) is £45 a year.
My grandparents had a solid fuel Aga and open fires. But a modern log burner is a lot more efficient (and less dusty) than an open fire. We have a Rayburn in the kitchen (which provides the hot water), although it's a gas one. Yesterday we had no power (planned maintenance work somewhere), so the log burner was the only heating we had. Chimney sweep (including safety check) is £45 a year.

Do you not know any small children 😜
Perhaps we need a 'show us your log burner' thread? :D

Had ours ticking over since about 10AM today (normally only lit in the evenings) - the exterior is currently at 300C so doing a good job of heating the lounge and my workshop/office next door. 0.6C outside ... brrr!

Working back from your £37.66 your daily consumption represents 365 KWh. That is a huge heat input.
Spot on, yesterday in the 22.5 hours to 2230 we had used 353 kWh at a cost of £37.66 which is eye watering. It is a big space - and even bigger volume - to be heated, but even so it seems a lot

Mind you, with the current price of timber (speaking as a joiner) it may be cheaper to burn bundles of £20’s 😁😁😁

(Unless the timber supply is waste/off-cuts or home grown 🥳)

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